Instant morphing (not rising)

  • Hi all.

    I have set morphing as latched on my remote so that the hitting the active patch triggers morphing.

    On one profile in particular the gain rises from a clean tone to dirty.

    I have set a rise time and noticed at rehearsal that sometimes the rise works and other times it is instant from clean to the maximum gain setting without rising.

    Has anyone else experienced this issue?

  • Yes there is an issue over there, I tested it to understand the problem.

    This is what happens: the Morph Button at each Rig Change is correctly resetted but NOT the Rise Time;
    in practice suppose you have two adiacent Rigs Rig_A and Rig_B with rise time set to 30 seconds for both;
    1) you start from Rig_A with Morph Button Off;
    2) you push on Rig_A Morph Button -> you go on Morphed State during 30 seconds;
    3) then you switch to Rig_B -> the Morph Status is automatically resetted to Off (correct) but not the rise time (issue)
    4) at this point you push Morph Button for Rig_B -> you go on Morphed State but not within 30 seconds but instantanely

    As workaround, since you don't know last rig if you have resetted the rise time, every time you have to use Morph Button you have to force the rig to go in original state pushing two times the Rig Button ... in this way you are sure to be resetted both Morph state and rise time.

    I'm going to open a ticket for this, do it also by yourself. I experienced this problem last weeks, and I like to use a lot Morph Button with long rise time to have a sort of automation going on during verse, chorus, solo and so on ;)

  • I believe it's still a problem. I have raised a ticket a while ago too.

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