Fizz Issues (2Khz-3Khz) On All Distortion Profiles

  • Hey Guys,

    Its probably a noob question, but this is something that i find to be impossible for now.

    I record my Kemper using its main outputs, and really it seems like at the core of all distorted profiles there's this horrible fizz at the high ends like around 2-3khz, just like the cheap crappy plugins we used before we bought this beast.

    So of course you can EQ inside the Kemper but then you record with a very limited kind of thin sound, not a full amp sound to which you can EQ after recording in the DAW.
    Seems like Clarity also doesn't really help to fix this fizz issue, nothing i tried really worked.

    Does anyone have any solution for those profiles?

  • please record a short example with a factory Profile (no fx)

    could it be it's your signal chain rather than the Profiler? make sure you connect your guitar directly to the Profiler (we once had a tuner causing a similar issue).
    Change guitars & cables.
    Make sure there are no glasses or bottles similar things in close proximity/on the same surface as your speakers that cause cause ringing.
    Are your speakers adequate and standing on some kind of foam?

  • please record a short example with a factory Profile (no fx)

    could it be it's your signal chain rather than the Profiler? make sure you connect your guitar directly to the Profiler (we once had a tuner causing a similar issue).
    Change guitars & cables.
    Make sure there are no glasses or bottles similar things in close proximity/on the same surface as your speakers that cause cause ringing.
    Are your speakers adequate and standing on some kind of foam?

    Thanks for getting back,
    I think im good in terms of connections, it goes out from my main outputs to the Focusrite, and it the sound comes out of KRK '5 monitors so the setup is not the issue.. which should be all good..i'll get new cables though its probably a good idea,,
    I just assume that you wouldn't have to EQ the hell out of amps inside the Kemper and limit yourself to this super edited tone.

  • Are the KRKs connected to the Profiler directly? Have you tried connecting the KRKs to the Main Out?

    Should the issue persist, open a support ticket and send:
    - a recording based on one of the Kemper Factory Rigs unmodified demonstrating the issue
    - a recording of the same guitar track but unprocessed from Direct Output
    - a complete Profiler backup of the test scenario

  • Look for profiles using mics that have less of a presence peak. Hell Sound PR20 or Royer 121 are usually more balanced with this issue, if there are multiple mic options with profiles.


    Kemper Rack OS 9.0.5 - Mac OS X 12.6.7

  • I that would be the issue - microphone used for profiling - you can try to contain the effect with "Pure Cabinet".

    which brings up the question: are you familiar with the sound of actual, close mic'ed tube amps?