Controls not responding as they should

  • I'm just on basic browser settings trying to get to grips with the unit and the controls arent operating as they should. As in the Bass control is affecting the Gain, the middle doesn't do anything and the treble is affecting the Treble and Middle. Noise gate control, presence etc has no effect. Whatever page I'm in (eq's etc) same thing happening (or not happening, depending which way you loook at it)..New to the equipment so wondering if I'm missing something very obvious?
    One point to note is that the unit I am using is our 'B' rig which has been backed with amps from our 'A' rig. Was having none of these issues on the other unit as we were the building sounds.
    Also I'm not trying to do anything to our previously saved amps etc.....just working through other profiles to get to grips with unit.
    Is there a simple way of returning to factory (straight out the box settings) to see if this rectifies issues
    Please help..seems very strange

  • Thanks for the tip 808illest! But I did what what you said and unfortunately though problem still exists. Soft pots not operating as they should...for example I've just realised 'feedback delay' is effecting the noise gate while 'noise gate' pot does nothing. 'Bass' pot effects bass and gain while 'Gain' pot does nothing.
    Guessing I've got a faulty unit?

  • Welcome, Friendly Fires.

    Sorry to hear about the issue with your "B" unit. As Burkhard suggested, it's not software. Sounds like the board is short circuiting and current / signal is somehow finding its way to all manner of places it shouldn't.

    Hopefully they can replace the board for you or whatever it takes quickly. Support rocks, so you should have no problem there. Don't worry mate!

  • Any new on this?

    Since 2-3 days ago I'm experiencing a similar problem. The master volume , mix and feedback controls are not operating in a right way. For instance, when trying to change the master volume, if I turn hardly or quickly, a minimum amount of volume is increased/decreased. In an opposite way, when I try to change just a little, then the volume increase/decrease dramatically.

    Does anybody experience similar problems?