KPA Just arrived!

  • Well just got it yesterday evening, so far very positive impressions, still just learning how it all works.

    One question I had is once I add a stomp (which is easy enough), I can easily switch it to something, turn it off etc... I for the life of me cannot figure out how to change it back to "Empty". How do you clear a stomp button?

    I really also wish there were a PC editor, there are a ton of rigs that I will never use (pretty much all the high gain ones), and it is going to take hours to clear them all out one by one.

    I would actually prefer if the amp could be reset to clear out all the rigs, and I could just add back in the ones I wanted. I did manage to get the USB to work, and I added some rigs from the exchange. It would be cool if the factory rigs were also available for download as well.

  • with a stomp selected, just turn 'Type' all the way counter-clockwise.
    the first entry of the Stomps menu is empty ;)

    Sweet, I knew it had to be simple! I will check it out when I get home. The other thing I think it tricky is all the different volume knobs, but I think I have that sorted out now. Definitely the type of thing that is going to take a week or two to really get the hang of, although it is probably about as user friendly as you can make something with this many options.

    I am really liking the clean amp tones, still need to work with the distorted ones a bit more, they are sounding a little fizzy right now to me.

    Deleting is definitely a pain, there are a lot of rigs saved....

  • I would actually prefer if the amp could be reset to clear out all the rigs, and I could just add back in the ones I wanted. I did manage to get the USB to work, and I added some rigs from the exchange. It would be cool if the factory rigs were also available for download as well.

    The factory rigs are not available for download, but you can obtain them from your KPA. Just insert your USB stick into the KPA and create a backup of all rigs on the unit. Then reinsert the stick into your computer, copy the new backup file from the USB stick, and append a new suffix: ".tar". This is an archive format many compression utilities can handle. On Windows, for instance, you could use the freeware utility 7 Zip. In the archive you will find all the kipr files.