I blame Kemper for this

  • Started focusing on analog effects ever since getting my KPA. It just takes pedals so well. I guess I'm getting a little carried away. Doesn't stop me from checking the classifieds, though. Btw, that old Sunn PA head has a great spring reverb that sits right in the KPA FX loop. Not bad for $14!

  • Started focusing on analog effects ever since getting my KPA. It just takes pedals so well. I guess I'm getting a little carried away. Doesn't stop me from checking the classifieds, though. Btw, that old Sunn PA head has a great spring reverb that sits right in the KPA FX loop. Not bad for $14!

    I did this for a while when I had switched to amps.

    [Blocked Image: https://i.imgur.com/0FEAkHm.jpg]

    Then after spending all that money, I sold/traded quite a few of the pedals when I got my Kemper back.

    It is quite an elegant solution and I realised that carrying all that gear would have been quite a strain on my back.

    Still have the synth board, got rid of the Terra, the HOG2, the Seymour Duncan OD, the Mimiq and one of my Decimator noise gates. All the Damage Control pedals were retained, they sound great in the Kemper loop or in front.

  • I hear you. In a gigging situation the built in digital effects are more than adequate. Most people aren't going to hear the nuance of analog vs digital after being fed through a PA and bounced around a large untreated room. Let alone with a drummer and full band. I'll bring a dirt pedal and maybe a compressor. Oh, and the Klon... No digital equivalent to a Klone, at least for single coils.

    Tap tempo and presets alone are worth leaving the pedals at home for a gig.

    I'm mostly using this stuff for recording and way to spend my disposable income ;)