New update 1.0.6

  • I updated to 1.0.6 and played for a couple of hours last night, switching settings around and using the KPA as normal.
    No problems on mine so far.

    Got it a week or so ago.
    I took it out the box, loaded 1.0.5 straight away, had the clicks and pops issue.
    Now gone straight to 1.0.6 with no issues.

    I'm really happy with mine so far, as long as it doesn't crash on me.
    Now that there are no pops/clicks I can start using it to track something useful in studio.

  • They responded to my ticket too :


    yep, there is an issue. We got excellent sound examples from users and are chasing the root cause.

    The developpers are convinced, that there must be an issue with the initialization of the initial rig (the one having been active before shutdown).
    In this case all the following sounds (second and following loads) should represent the original sound. Only the first one is 'twisted'. We will deliver a fix as soon as we will have found the reason.

    Many thanks for bringing this up!

    So it looks like they're on the case :)

  • There's actually another initialization-related profiling bug regarding profile levels, which has been reported. It goes something like this:

    1) Fresh KPA boot
    2) Profile Amp
    3) KPA reports "Too loud! Clipping"
    4) Profile Amp Again
    5) KPA profiles OK, until the next reboot. Then it's back to #3

    It's like there's an internal AGC that silently drops the input level when the initial profile amp return level is too hot. This can cause problems when profiling a different amp, because the signal's being ducked and profiles of future amps may read "Can't detect input level!". Until the next reboot, that is - then it's good, but only for the first profile. Arrrgh!
