Wrong Amp shown

  • Sorry, if this thread was opened before, but i couldn't find anything about this problem...

    When I am in performance mode with my Kemper, the slots show the wrong amp underneath the performance name. For example, I am on performance 2, slot one. Under the performance name, my Kemper says "GA Budda SD30 CLN 3", which might have been used in this slot. But I changed to a Cornford MK502 Clean a while ago. However, the slot "subtitle" didn't change. Can I handle this anywhere?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Yes, I know. That function is kinda pointless since the rig name is shown underneath the slot name.
    I think, I was a bit confused, because it is the rig name shown, not the amp name, while most rig names seem to contain the amp name. this is really confusing...
    Am I right, that I have to rename all the rigs when changing the amps in them just to avoid confusion? That would be really annoying without a software editor...

  • If you want to change the name of a rig or a slot you can do that in the Rig Manager or by connecting a USB keyboard to the Profiler if you want to avoid using the dials on the Profiler to scroll through the characters.