Tuner Reference Pitch Issue

  • Some background here... For the past couple of months I have struggled w/ the banjo/mandolin player in my band and our front man (who plays acoustic) - both of these guys use a lot of different capo'd variations throughout our set and I'm typically just standard tuning on electric. I had noticed that we constantly felt out of tune with one another. I was absolutely convinced that their intonation was screwed up, etc. They went as far as getting their instruments completely re-set up and something still was sounding off.... Just last night during rehearsal, I noticed my reference pitch when tuning was set to "435" and I thought WTF? I've never touched that or changed it to my knowledge. Sure enough, I set this to 440 and everything was back to sounding right. This is pretty embarassing and I hate to even think how many shows I've played with this set at the wrong reference pitch. Now, granted, I recently rack mounted my wireless (Shure GLX D) and I used to just use the Shure wireless tuner all the time on my board so maybe that's why I never noticed that the Kemper was wrong - but for the past couple of months I've definitely been using the Kemper tuner exclusively (since the Kemper remote is the only thing on my board now). Has anyone else experienced this?

  • which version of the PROFILER OS is installed on your machine?
    Since 4.0.3 we have introduced a warning message when the value of the reference pitch is changed to prevent accidental changes of that parameter.
    You have to confirm the change before it is applied.

  • It would be the latest that downloaded via Rig Manager as of a couple of months ago. Again, for all I know it could have been this way forever (I used to use my Shure GLX D wireless tuner and only recently moved it off my board and started using the Remote tuner).

  • We confirmed that any changes that were applied to the reference pitch parameter prior to 4.0.3 will not trigger the warning message after updating to a version that is 4.0.3 or later. The message is only triggered when you change the value while already running 4.0.3 or later.