Low volume monitores

  • When I play through my monitors (Fluid audio)
    I need to crank the volume to get a good sound. Maybe it's my ears, but on low volume they sound dull and muffled.
    I wonder if anyone can recommend some monitors who are grate at lowe volume or if anyone cnow if there is a loudness item or equalizer with built-in loudness function on the market.
    Maybe the best and easy way is to use the output tone control in the Kemper?
    Any tips from other Kemper users beside using headphones is apprisiateed
    Regards Paul...

  • I have the monitors on stands on my desktop pointing towards me at CA 80cm distance.
    The strange thing is that when I listen to music or profile samples it sounds good.
    But when I play with the same profiles as used in the samples at same volume they don't sound as clear and good.
    When I turn up the volume the sound much better.

  • There are almost certainly two different things at play here.

    First, equal loudness curves (google Fletcher-Munsen if you don’t know what that is). Its just how our ears work. Tho nly things you can do about it are losten at higher volume, eq with a bit of a smiley face (i.e. boost lows and highs to compensate for the fact thst our ears are more sensitive to mids at lower volumes) or listen on headphones.

    Second, the fact that it sounds much worse when playing than simply listening suggedts that you are hearing the natural acoustic sound of the strings along with the profile. It is often surprising how loud you need to monitor to overcome this. Again, the options are limited; either wear headphones or turn up louder as you can’t really make the acoustic level of the guitar any quieter.

    Basically spending money on new monitors won’t make a massive difference at very low volume levels. I feel your pain. I have a lovely set of Adam A7x monitors in a pretty well treated room. There is a bit of a dip in the responde around 70hz but the T60 is around 200ms across most of the frequency range and it still sounds dull an lifeles at really low volume. I can still hear the guitar over the monitors much of the time when I am playing or practicing at night and the family are in the house. Once I get the volume loud enought to obscure the acoustic sound everything changes ime flicking on a light switch.