AMANTIS - Debut Album "The Call"

  • Hello board-members,

    we are AMANTIS

    At the beginning of April 2018 we dared to go public with our first single "Breathe in the Fire" including a music video:

    In December 2017 at the Empire Studios in Bensheim/Germany we put eleven songs into a powerful package with co-producer Rolf Munkes (Crematory, Empire).
    Our final debut album "The Call" was finally released on Friday, September 7, 2018 and can now be found at all known music-streaming services.

    THE CALL - Spotify / Deezer / Itunes

    The band:

    We formed the band in November 2015 in Ludwigshafen/Germany.
    Since then we create new songs in an old bunker with a lot of energy, sweat and lifeblood, which walk between metal and rock, but also bring quiet moments with them, which put the heavy riffs all the more into scene.

    Marcel - Vocals
    One of the most talented singers from the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region and a buddy to steal horses with. Obsessed with achieving the vocal quality of his role model Jorn Lande.

    Max - Guitar & Vocals
    The man for the riffs and together with Chris the songwriting center. He is home in groove metal, stadium rock as well as spherical sounds. The main thing is that the music is honest.

    Chris - Guitar
    The guitarist with the tireless urge to write new sounds and even better riffs. It has to rock! He holds his guitar in his hand more often than his mobile phone. And that means something nowadays.

    Aaron - Bass
    The calm pole in the band and a true connoisseur of music not only knows how to put unbelievable bass runs under the music, but also solves every technical problem the band is confronted with.

    Daseto - Drums
    Drummer of passion and music fan with body and soul. Possesses more CDs, records and films than some shops. Walks musically between earthy blues, classical rock and modern metal.

    Band equipment:

    In the meantime, our string faction has decided in favour of the Kemper Profiling Amp in order to be able to bring the studio sound 1:1 to the stage. Mixer-friendly sound, no amp micing, monitor instead of complete backline sufficient and always constant awesome sound, are only some advantages that convinced us of the green wonder box! :thumbup:
    Our drummer drives us with his black Walnut-Mapex set.
    Our vocalist chases his sound waves through his Neumann KMS 105.

    If you want to know more about us or if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us!
    Let's have a Like or follow us - we're working hard on new songs and videos, so keep an eye on us ;)
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    - instagram

    Translated with :saint::saint::saint: