Creating a W/D/W pseudo-path?

  • Hi all,

    Might be an odd question - but when using two speakers (or stereo headphones), is there a way to set the path in the Kemper for the FX so that it can emulate a wet/dry/wet setup? By that, I mean full wet FX on hard left and right, and dry guitar (after the cab and amp) in the center...?


  • Thanks - wasn't sure if it could be done just by utilising the.... er....... hang on, I've forgotten the parameter name.... think it might be balance?.... in the reverb/delay mix option. I understood that a value of -100 there was the delay and reverb on parallel paths, and +100 was fully serial.

    Just clutching at ideas....!

  • The parallel/series balance isn’t like w/d/w it’s like old school 90’s Bob Bradshaw racks etc that guys like Lukather would have used back in the day. Instead of the delay or chorus etc going into the next Fx (say Reverb) you get a delay with no reverb on the repeats and a reverb with no delay going into it. It lets you run more of each effect without it getting too muddy and indistinct.