Looper mode with external AB switch

  • Hello, can anybody please help me with looper mode on the Kemper? I have connected an external AB switch, which works fine for switching Reverb on and off, etc. When I set the switch to 'Looper start' or 'Looper mode' nothing happened when I press either switch. How do I start looper mode? Thanks, Baxter:)

  • To get that feature, you have to purchase the Remote. There is some obscure way to enable the looper via midi but I am not familiar with it. Maybe someone will chime in with this info...

  • You can trigger the Looper without Remote. That's what the switch assignments Looper Start and Looper Stop are here for. Looper Mode doesn't give you anything as it just switches functionality of Remote buttons and display. But Looper Start and Looper Stop work like the corresponding buttons of the Remote. Those functions are described in the Main Manual chapter PROFILER Remote.

    Other than that make sure, your switches are momentary and polarity is set correctly.

  • Thanks for the info.

    Ok, my switch is latching. That must be the problem then. I will convert them to momentary switches then. I'll be back if that does not work either! Thanks again.

  • If your switch is latching, it never worked correctly for the reverb, but only toggled the on/off status at every second push.

    The manual explains why momentary switches are recommended. It also explains the functions of Looper Start and Looper Stop. Please read that first.