Feature request: profiled FX (in addition to the cap & amp)

  • Sorry if this has been requested before, but I'd love to have profiles of FX, particularly pre FX, but post would be cool, too. Not only could I profile my own FX, but there are officially now 100 zillion distortion boxes out there (+/- 3 zillion margin of error) and I'd love to use some of everybody's favs. Not to mention compressors, delays, modulators, ...

    Personally I haven't been super impressed with any of the current Kemper FX - e.g., the Tube Screamer doesn't sound much like my "analogman" vintage TS. Maybe I'm doing it wrong. But even if the current FX were stellar, that's only a drop in the stomp box bucket, as it were.

  • It has been asked for many times already.

    It is not possible to profile any form of time based effect (delay, reverb, trem, chorus etc) or compression. It is defined possible to profile distortion pedals however, as you know these would currently need to be used in the Amp block instead of an amp.

    I don’t think it is possible to run more than one profile with the current hardware but I may be wrong. I’ve just been thinking about this and the processing power required. One of the amazing things about the KPA is just how little processor power is required. The Rig files are only a few kb of data. On the other hand the processing required to to produce a viable effect is likely to be significantly greater than that used for profile playback. Therefore, replacing modelled OD/Dist/Boost FX with a second profile should actually save processor power. Even allowing for the processing of code I don’t think the hardware is physically capable of adding a second profile. I’m sure someone from Kemper will eventually confirm this one way or another but I think they have their hands full with some other project at the moment ?

  • yes, i’m pretty sure that if the current hw could do it, it’d be done.

    i just bought into the UAD world and they do amazing things with their unison pre modeling, even altering the input impedance and gain structure to match the preamp being modeled. they also have some pedals modeled, many well enough to license the original name. and since it’s sharc dsp / fpga it’s all “zero” latency. i might have to try plugin the gtr into the Apollo and running some fx there and the into the kemper for amp. i doubt i’d make a habit of it, but a worthy experiment.

    uad does have gtr amp models, too, but their Console app is clunky, IMHO, and it’s much nicer to have the real knobs and buttons on the kemper.