Kemper Stage automatically generating 125 "New Performances"

  • I've got a brand new Kemper Stage. Attempting to load some purchased performances from to get our church up and running with it quickly.

    However when I connect our laptop, the Performances quickly goes from 0 to 125, with all 125 Performances being "New Performance" defaults, time-stamped to just a few minutes prior.

    When I delete all, they just auto generate another 125 endlessly.

    I am able to Copy/Paste the individual Performance patches into my Kemper, but the remaining Performance slots are full with these zombie Performances.

  • They are just blank place holders for the performance slots.

    Thanks drog

    The difference from my Kemper rack is that those unused Performance slots show as Empty. In this case it seems like it's taking up Performance slots and won't allow any others to be imported. Maybe this is new with the new software updates.

  • There have always been placeholders and when you import you "overwrite" those. Just the count in Rig Manager works differently and now shows constantly 125.

    I hope there is a plan to revert to the counter showing populated performances. With always showing 125, it's about as useful as not being there at all.