too fast switch from browser to off, the tuner remains in the position!

  • hello friends,

    too fast switch from browser to off, KPM tuner remains in the position!
    i hope this was helpfull.
    rather not have any live gigs with it!


  • hello friends,
    too fast switch from browser to off, KPM tuner remains in the position!

    I just checked this and can't replicate the behaviour, even when I flick the knob to 'off'.
    to be sure, turn the chickenhead 'normally' and everything is fine.
    I seem to remember this happening once or twice a while back, but like I said, I can't replicate it now.
    what FW are you running?

  • rather not have any live gigs with it!

    Well....if you're switching it off I would assume the gig is finish....where is the problem?

    BTW: I gigging with the KPA since January and had no issues at all. Actually I could bet that any digital equipment is going to give you a lot less issues playing live then any tube system (rack or amp). IMHO...

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff