What are some good staple profiles for someone looking for indie, ambient and 80s sounds?

  • Hey folks, I'm somewhat new to the Kemper. I'm loving it thus far but in terms of finding very high quality profiles that are a good base to use and work from for recording, I'm a little unsure where to start.

    Basically I'm looking for some good indie rock and lo-fi profiles... I'm thinking an AC30 would be the best place to start here and maybe an Orange.

    Also I am looking for a clean ambient platform to work from. Something great for delay, reverb, effects etc. I'm thinking amps like the Bogner Goldfinger 54, Macthless, and perhaps even a Hiwatt.

    Lastly I would really like to find some profiles that are fantastic for 80s tones. Even stereotypically so or cheesy in some instances. Clean (Michael Thompson, Nile Rogers, Dan Huff) very hi-fi sounding stuff great for overly processed and compressed sounds and great solo tones as well.

    Do you have any places you'd recommend for these things? Or any of your own suggestions for these sounds? I'd greatly appreciate the help.


  • Hi , and welcome .

    A good start is to search in "Rig Exchange" , if you have not already tried that ...... :)

    Cheers !

    The adjective for metal is metallic. But not so for iron ... which is ironic.