Kone Users? What are you opinions, etc...

  • Hello,

    I have been using a pair of the Celestion Redback 150 speakers at 8ohm each wired in series for about a year now with my Powerhead. I have been "sort of" satisfied with

    the tonal results, but there has always been something lacking no matter how I dial in my profiles. I am thinking of going to the new KONE to see what results I get in


    Are there any ACTUAL owners of these KONE speakers and what are your opinions/thoughts/suggestions?


  • It's a game changer. A bit finicky to setup since you need to wire cables in dedicated places (Monitor Out & Direct Out) and go to several places to adjust things (Kone Output Section, Main Output Section). But in the end it's a great way to get that organic sound that everyone is seeking. The Imprints are incredible. I use two Kemper Kabinet in stereo with Ritter SHP Camplifier.

    Only slight negative I would have is that it seems that the sound you get from playing a Merged Profile through the Kone with Cab Off with say Imprint V30 is somewhat different than the Direct Amp profiles you sometimes get in a vendor's package. They are supposed to be identical but somehow I find the Direct Amp profiles sounding thinner, and almost have this slightly hifi or compressed sound to it. It's subtil but it's there.

    Overall I love it.

  • You're right. I researched on the forum and at some places there is a user that recommended to lock a random cab of any merged profiles. Then you can play those Direct Amp profiles with the locked cab into the Kone Intelligence since it has a cab. The Kone then removes the cab and puts the imprints. It's works perfect to screen how DA sound with Imprints.

    But as I said the same Direct Amp used for the Merged File does sound slightly different than the Merged played through the Kone logic.

    Not a big deal. I have asked the folks at Kemper though and sent them two comparative files.

  • Guys from Kemper have been super helpful and overly patient with me. Thanks for that.

    Turned out the Direct Amp and Merged Profiles had been done at different times, a day apart in this case which could have changed the amp state according to Kemper (tubes state, humidity, warming up of amp etc..). There was also different noise gates levels and the gain on the DA was slightly higher. So those are not apples to apples comparison.

    After adjusting I can say the DA and Merged Profiles passed through the Kone with same Imprints are quasi identical albeit for a slight different of tone that could well be generated by the differences in the way the different sessions were done.

    All that to say that in the future I will make sure that whatever DA I get in a bundle, they all come from the same sessions as the Merged Profiles. I have packs where DA are months apart from Merged...