Can Tap Tempo Button on Kemper Stage be Assigned to Tempo Screen

  • Can the tap tempo button on the Stage be assigned to trigger on the bpm screen in the Rig Menu when I start tapping in a tempo? Or do I have to hit the Rig button and scroll over to the Tempo screen every time I want to dial in an exact tempo marking? I would love to start tapping in a tempo and the display immediate goes to the tempo screen so I can quickly dial in an exact tempo or at least see how close I'm getting to the actual tempo.

  • Hello Kellerblues, if you tap again you disengage the beatscanner function and the tempo on screen dissapear. I mean, you can hold tap, beat scanner start, you see tempo on screen and you can set the tempo with the shake of your hand, but not tapping with your foot. If you tap with your foot, tempo on screen dissapear and beatscanner (calculate tempo with your hand and pick) dissengage.

    The question is how to tap the tempo with the foot, and at the same time, see on screen the tempo changing. Thanks