Morningstar MC8 with Profiler and Mission expression pedals

  • Greetings - is anyone here using the Morningstar MC8 with their Profiler and Mission expression pedals? I'm interested in caveats relative to controlling a Profiler with this setup vs. the Kemper Remote.

    After making the investment in $$ and programming, it looks like I could control my Profiler with an MC8 at least as well as with my Remote. Bonus - I'd have a lot of functionality on tap for other MIDI tricks.

    Is this a good or bad idea and why is that so? Thank you!

  • It should work fine. I used to use midi controllers (first an FCB1010 then an RJM Mastermind) before I got a Remote.

    If you are comfortable programming your controller you can probably do more with it than the Remote.

    Where the remote wins is plug’n’pay simplicity. For me this was a much bigger benefit than ultimate power to control anything and everything. I use the KPA on it’s own with no other midi gear. If I used a more complex setup with other midi devices I would almost certainly stick with a dedicated midi controller.

  • Thanks - it occurs to me that my Remote shares a pedalboard with a McMillen SoftStep 2 that controls my stage lighting rig. It doesn't have expression pedal capability, but I can still use it to vet the idea in my basement before I spend $$ on an MC8.