Kemper updates

  • Hi! I haven’t seen any updates in a while. Does anyone know what’s going on? Hopefully everyone at Kemper is doing well and development isn’t stalled due to sickness.

    or, is it worth speculating that Kemper is working on a Kemper 2.0?

  • Kemper 2.0 speculation is rather constant. Like this: What would be your killer feature for a Kemper 2 ?

    Threads like this pop up once a month or more it seems.

    Rig Manager saw an update recently with what sounds like a lot of backend cleanup and a few cosmetic things.

    My money says there won't be a 2.0 version. Not unless Christophe finds a way to improve the Profiling process, which he's said he's already taken as far as he can.

    Less frequent firmware updates mean nothing.

  • The Kemper OS just got a beta update yesterday so it should be announced fairly soon when it goes to public release.

    I could care less about a Kemper 2 right now. First, I don't have the extra money and don't expect to have any extra money for another two years. Second, I would have to sell the Kemper I have to justify buying a newer model, and I would be in competition with everyone else selling the old one for a new one - which would tank used market prices. And then there's the third and forth reasons... the Kemper is good enough as is -- but these could easily be First and Second. ;)

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Fractal's been through more models than Rod Stewart

    But I am not talking Fractal. And If I was talking Fractal, and if I had a Fractal, I would still have to sell it to help pay for a new one.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.