Software update vs. Firmware update

  • I'm a relatively new user so forgive me if this is a dumb question. I always try to do my own research before coming to the group. Having said that, I plugged into rig manager today with my powered rack and was prompted to do a software I did. However, when I go to rig manager in browser mode, and click on one of the liquid profiles, I get a message that says "this rig was created with a new OS version. Please update your profiler. Do not store this rig". So do I need to to a firmware update on the actual rack? I did a search and couldn't get a clear answer. There is nothing that specifies firmware update on the Kemper site. Is this done with a USB and not through rig manager?

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    Thanks. This forum has already helped do much!


  • Hi Dash, welcome, have fun here in the forum and with your Kemper. Sounds like the fun is already going on, very good! Enjoy this incredible machine as much as most of us here do :thumbup: 8)

    There is a clear dependency between the RigManager version installed on your computer and the OS version installed in your Profiler. Once synced in the right way the RigManager will allow you to do the updates pretty easy to make sure everything is in good order. If you have a rather old version of the Profiler OS it might be needed to do an update via USB stick. And indeed this is all well documented by the Kemper team in the Main Handbook and the software download section of the Kemper site.

    Please let us know here the specific versions of your RigManager and your installed Profiler OS. Then we can help more easy.

  • Thanks so much for the warm welcome and quick reply.

    I went to the handbook and followed all directions to update using the USB stick. I even when to the system screen on the profiler and it says

    OS Version: Release: 9.0.8 46641

    OS Build Date: Jul 31 2023 10.28.48

    This leads me to believe that the profiler is updated along with rig manager yet it still getting the massage not to store the new rigs.

    Should mention that after formatting the USB stick and copying the kaos.bin file, when plugging in the stick to the profiler, it only gave me the option to import/export, back up or format. When I chose format, it asked me if I was sure. I clicked "yes" and it froze on that screen. Maybe is the USB?

  • You need to enable beta OS updates in Rig Manager - then you will see beta OS `10. That version is essential to work with Liquid Profiles. If you prefer not to use beta versions we can expect a release version of OS 10 after some interval - could be next week or months - we don't know yet.