Noise problems - Solved -

  • Hi,
    I am ready to record a record with my KPA but I can't start due to massive noise problems. Here is my setup:

    guitar (single coil) > KPA input > main outs > Line 6 UX-2 line inputs > USB > Notebook > UX-2 analg outs > active monitors

    The noise is getting louder when I touch the pol pieces of the pickup. It gets lower when touching the strings tight. But it is still there.

    Any suggestion what I can do? Thanks for your help.

    Oh - I forgot to say. I am located in Thailand. (Belkin Power Surge Protector in use)

    Edited once, last by Bluesman ().

  • Unplug everything - then plug only the guitar and a headphone into the kemper - switch off all stuff in the same room (lamps, computer, mixer, active speaker ...)

    In case the noise is still there - try another guitar.
    In case the noise is gone - switch on all the oher stuff until you find the problem

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  • Have you tried with the ground lifts on the back?

    Edit: what kind of noise?

    Ground lift doesn't help.

    The noise is typical single coil humming, but more than it should be. In germany I don't have this problem. So far I learned that too many grounds can cause a problem like this. Now I have to find out if I have grounded outlets att all. I will buy a ground fault tester and check all the outlets. That's an investion I should do anyway, because it can save my life here in Thailand. Than I will try to disconnect everything and try only the KPA with headphones. My guitar is grounded, the cables are good. Hopefully I can get rid of the noise.

  • Switch off halogen and neon lights first, lcd screens and move away from your PC. Use a long cable (or a wireless) and try moving around to look if something changes.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • unplug the power adapter from your notebook (run it from the battery) and see if this stops the noise.
    it often does.

    +1! When I unplug aftermarket power adapter for my Sony VAIO (original SONY also has noise but less), much noise is gone in one moment!

  • Problem solved!
    I used the original german power cords. Despite they fit in the thai plugs, they are not grounded then. I should have seen this in the first place. My fault. Who cares? It wooooorks and I can start to record now. Me and the other guitar player will use the KPA for this recording. I let you know when the record is finished.

    Thanks so far for your help.