Kemper Profile Player Stopped Connecting To Android Phone App.

  • Hello,

    Sent in a support request days ago but still waiting :(

    The Android phone app worked at first with my new Kemper Profiler Player but occasionally lost connection.

    I couldn't connect using the bluetooth button, only by scanning the QR code on the bottom of the pedal.

    The bluetooth button on the pedal only flashes a few times and stops, where in the videos it keeps flashing until a connection is made.

    Then I lost phone app connection completely.

    Tried and tried, no luck.

    Hooked up to the Windows Rig Manager app and got a firmware update hoping that would clear the phone issue.

    No luck.

    Anyone have any suggestions?

    I tried with my router off and no luck, but it worked with the router on before.

  • Have you got the recent update for the Android app? It came out a couple of days ago. Fixed the issue I had on my older tablet.

  • Hi.

    Could you please share how you were able to successfully connect player to your PC?

    Mine is window 11 and I tried more then 10 times but I couldn't have my player connet to my PC

    I really don't know what I have to do

    Sorry for asking a useless question that is off topic.