Android version for Rig Manager

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    Hi guys,
    does anybody know s which Android Version is needed to install Rig Manager on an Android Device - my old devices dont work their Android versions are too old. Now I want to buy an refurbished Android Tablet , but I dont know if it will work, if I dont know which Android version is needed.... (which older than Android 12...?)

  • Your device must be very old.

    I've got a Samsung Tab A6 i've bought years ago, Rig manager works perfectly on it. At its launch, Android 6.0 Marshmallow was installed, i assume it has been updated since....I don't know which version runs on my tab today !?

    It was a totally different story with my iphone 6 ; no comment :rolleyes: :thumbdown: :cursing:

    Can't install apps or Updates are blocked cause your device is too old (even if it works perfectly).... And apps are not done for the past iOS you've got --> thanks to programmed obsolescence --> Byby Apple ! :evil: :cursing:

    I've got an android smartphone now 8o

  • Hi guys,
    does anybody know s which Android Version is needed to install Rig Manager on an Android Device - my old devices dont work their Android versions are too old. Now I want to buy an refurbished Android Tablet , but I dont know if it will work, if I dont know which Android version is needed.... (which older than Android 12...?)

    The minimum required android is 7.0 or higher. I got this information on the rig manager playstore site.

  • i would try to get the most recent version i could manage. a bit of future-proofing just in case a the older versions stop being supported or no longer run optimally at some point.

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