Boss EV30 expression pedal

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    Ok I am currently running the Kemper through the effects send return on a Soldano Astro 20.

    I also have pedals going in the front end of the amp. I tried putting the expression in front of pedals with no joy. Obviously I still have effects running from kemper. Delay reverb etc. I can’t for the life of me find a way of putting the expression pedal into the signal path.

    Thank you in anticipation of any help.



  • What are you trying to get the expression pedal to do?

    If you want to control parameters in the Kemper with an expression pedal, the only way I know of doing it, is to plug that pedal into the "Pedal 1" or "Pedal 2" input in the back of your Kemper unit, and then calibrating the pedal (and assign a function to it) in the Kemper's System menu.

  • What are you trying to get the expression pedal to do?

    If you want to control parameters in the Kemper with an expression pedal, the only way I know of doing it, is to plug that pedal into the "Pedal 1" or "Pedal 2" input in the back of your Kemper unit, and then calibrating the pedal (and assign a function to it) in the Kemper's System menu.

    Hi mate.

    Ok I have the Eventide Tricerachorus and boss dimension c going into the front of the Soldano with the Vemuram Butter machine.

    I was hoping to simply use it as a volume pedal and a wah so is it a case of assigning the pedals to the Kemper along with the expression rather than trying to go through the front of the amp?

    I’m very lazy and have terrible eyesight little patience and not much spare time. Not a great combination lol.

  • is it a case of assigning the pedals to the Kemper along with the expression rather than trying to go through the front of the amp?

    Yes, you could try putting the fx pedals in the the kemper's loop. That would let you have a Kemper wah effect (controlled by your expression pedal) before the chorus and distortion, which is where it would usually be. You would also be plugging your guitar into the Kemper.

    That shouldn't be a problem unless you want to use your Soldano's preamp. In that case you could try looking up the four-cable method, and see if it can be used with the Kemper, your amp and your effects.

  • Yes, you could try putting the fx pedals in the the kemper's loop. That would let you have a Kemper wah effect (controlled by your expression pedal) before the chorus and distortion, which is where it would usually be. You would also be plugging your guitar into the Kemper.

    That shouldn't be a problem unless you want to use your Soldano's preamp. In that case you could try looking up the four-cable method, and see if it can be used with the Kemper, your amp and your effects.

    Hi mate.

    Yep I want to use the Soldano so yes I will tray the 4 cable method. If it doesn’t work then the pedal goes back and I will forget about it.

    Thank you so much for giving me some tips.



  • …… I tried putting the expression in front of pedals with no joy. ………….I can’t for the life of me find a way of putting the expression pedal into the signal path.

    The key factor to understand is that a volume pedal or wah pedal are inserted into the signal path and audio passes through them. Whereas an expression pedal isn’t. The expression pedal only controls midi data or control voltage and no audio ever passes through it. This concept is fundamental to how you configure your setup and the units you are trying to control.

    You mist connect to the Kemper Pedal inputs and tell the Kemper (in the system menu) how it should perceive information it receives; “should I treat this as a wah pedal, volume pedal, morph pedal or pitch pedal”. You can’t use the expression pedal to control the volume of the analog audio but you can tell the Kemper to treat expression pedal movement as if turning the volume or gain knob inside the Kemper itself. Where you decide to insert the pedal digitally/virtually will determine how it works but the pedal itself will always be connected to the same pedal input on the KPA.