Arduino to MIDI device adaptation

  • The Profiler Model referred to in this thread is ...
    ☑️ Profiler Player

    A few years back, I build an Arduino Leonardo powered footstwitch board that I used to use with Native Instruments' Guitar Rig. The Uno has MIDI over USB and after some programming (with a lot of help from, it all came together fine. I'm now wondering if I could reprogram it and use it with my new Kemper Player. I'm struggling to get it working as it was at the moment but the bottoms latch on to MIDI data in Guitar Rig. Anyone doing/done anything similar? Any reason that I will be unable to get it working with the Player?

  • take a look here:

  • Thanks for this. Really interesting/mindblowing! I can see that it’s possible now. However, I’m really more interesting in the midi over USB side of things. I plug in my board directly into the computer and can use along with Guitar Rig. I’m interested to know if I can connect the usb from the board directly to the Player and get similar functionality out of it.

  • I recall seeing somewhere how you can get an arduino to be recognised as a class-compliant midi device by re-flashing the device.

    On their own, certain ones can appear to windows PC as midi device but not to the Kemper without some in-depth tinkering.

    Thanks for this. Do you mean re flashing the arduino or the Player?

  • For what I know ...not all Arduino are equal on this ....micro Pro works natively as usb midi device tested on my Mac and it works with a a minimal effort.

    MIDI control surface tttapa works great...the program should be configured with the proper control and it's actually not that difficult... the real issue is, for me to decrypt the Kemper manual to get the proper control number for your needs.

    My dreams is to control delays real time while I'm playing with 12 real pots making dreamy ambient things...working on this .

    Any additional sharing brainstorming or help on the issue will be appreciated.