history for "last imported rigs"

  • Hi ,

    I know you can sort rigs with date , but I'd like this simple feature regarding the last imports :

    I'd just like to see my previous import sessions and switch to them.

    It could be done with a 'history tab' with just a line displaying the date of the import and the number of rigs imported instead of the 'sort by' TAB.

    Hope it's clear enough ?

  • Hi,
    just press the left softbutton above the display until it says "Last imported" (Probably says "All Rigs" at the moment). Then you can choose from your last import session.

    All the best

  • Hi Arne, I already know this feature .

    I meant browsing the previous import sessions , not only the last one :

    Say I imported 20 rig 3 weeks ago, then 12 last week , I'd just like to show those 20 rifs from 3 weeks ago again without sorting all rigs by date.


  • Many use the 'last imported' filter to decide which of the new profiles to keep - to audition and compare the rigs and delete redundant or unwanted rigs right away. The feature you are suggesting would be flawed because either not all imported rigs would show up (the deleted ones) or, the rigs would have to be restored from some kind of automatic backup which is very undesirable to say the least.

    If I need to group rigs together, I hit rename and add a prefix like 'rck_ld' for rock lead, for exsample.
    then the rigs are grouped in the sort by name mode and can be found easily and quickly.