effects section activates itself without any push of a button

  • every now and then,out of the blue ,without me touching the kemper,the "mod "button in the effects section activates itself .Therefore,sometimes, while i'm playing, suddenlly i get the chorus which i've set to be turned off by default in that profile.
    Anybody else has ever encountered something similar?

  • Are you running the most current firmware version? I, too, had this issue with my KPA, worked with Kemper support to pinpoint the issue, and when the next firmware update came out my problem went away.

  • I also have this problem. I'm running the latest update. I had it early on and it went away with I think the mid summer update. When I loaded the latest firmware the other day its back.

  • Ok, it was really bad tonight. I'm having to switch the MOD to empty to get it to stop. Do the Kemper guys read this forum? Do I need to bring this up with someone else?

  • Ok, it was really bad tonight. I'm having to switch the MOD to empty to get it to stop. Do the Kemper guys read this forum? Do I need to bring this up with someone else?

    They do read it; but, if I were you, I'd go to the support section and open a ticket to get the best result.

    P.S. Please report back on the solution so that others who may experience the same issue(s) can benefit. :)

  • OK, I got a very fast reply, just a few hours and what they had me do worked for me. Here is the response. Since I did this, it has not happened again. Thanks Kemper!!

    this issue could be fixed, if you just turn the Modulation knobs RATE and INTENSITY by 90 degrees in any direction. You could do this even while the unit is switched off. The read-out of these bi-directional 360 degree potis is a complicated matter and these potis do have a natural spread, so these don't behave exactly the same. The trick is now to optimize the software to be sensitive enough for some potis and not too sensitive for others. It could be, that one of the two potis is a bit out of the norm in your device and therefor it has its own life. As soon as the value of MODULATION RATE or INTENSITY are changing, MOD will switch on. Normally this should only happen in one particular position of this poti. So you if you turn the poto by 90 degrees, you might never experience this again. We have occasionally modified firmware to optimize the software to accomodate for the spread of these potis. But if this happens more often, your poti seems to be out of the norm and you need to get your unit repaired. This cannot be fixed via firmware, then you really have a faulty poti.