Feedback problem on high gain rigs and settings

  • I happend to noticed a very disturbing and
    constant Feedback sound when I load some high gain rigs (exemple: Steave Lead).
    This also happens if I raise the gain or volume past 3 o'clock on some clean or
    crunch profiles. The issue seems to be connected with high frequencise since, as
    soon as I lower the tone knob on the guitars, the feedback desappears
    imediately. Of course the same thing happens if I lower a little the volume on
    the instrument (let's say from 10 to 8). But I also noticed another really
    strange solution:
    If I put a pedal (a compressor, a distortion) in front of
    the kemper and I switch it on then I don't get the feedback anymore! The pedals
    settings are not important, once I switch it on in front of the input the Kemper
    stops screaming.
    I updated the firmware to the latest release and did the
    global setting reset. Nothing changed.
    I also noticed that, to have less
    problems, I must select the minimum settings on the input secion for both clean
    and distortion sense.
    But anyway this did not completely solve the
    I must say that I usually switch the gate off, since almost all users
    complain about it.
    If I want to use it to stop the feedback I must push it
    over 8.
    I made the tests with all my fender, gibson and rickenbacker guitars with different cables.
    could not hear any significant difference.
    I also used Eleven Rack and Axe Fx
    and I have never had such a reaction on high gain simulations.
    Did you
    noticed something like this too?
    Am I missing something?
    Should I hang
    myself with a Reference cable? :D

  • It's the loudest feedback you can imagine.
    As I wrote I used 6 different guitars (Fender: Strato, Tele, Slide, Jazzmater / Gibson: Les Paul P90 / Richenabacker 330 12)
    No amps or monitors, just headphones!|
    The feedback stops if:

    - I roll down the guitar volume (from 10 to 8)
    - I roll down the guitar Tone a lot
    - I switch on en external compressor or overdrive (even at minimum settings)
    - If I add the Kemper noise gate (8 ore more)

  • I have the same thing with high gain profiles. I also have this on my monitors and my headphone. I have this when i use the boost.
    It gives an enormous loud whistling feedback.

  • I honestly did not think it was a problem with the kemper. Like i said, i almost never play high gain stuf.
    It does get annoying sometime when the feedback gets out of control.

  • I'm trying to understand if it's a problem or just the way Kemper reacts. As you I don't play high gain stuff.
    Honestly I'm beginning to think that something is wrong with the device.
    Let's see what Kemper will reply to my e-mail.
    Of course I will write it here.

  • I experienced this problem sometimes too! It seems to be more what I would call "digital squealing" than a feedback problem. I first thought it was related to the aliasing problem well discussed in an other thread and that is suppose to be resolve soon in a firmware update??? Any idea? ?(


  • If someone could post a sound sample of the problem it would certainly help to be help :) . I actually can't do this because my recording settup is not ready at the moment.

  • It happened just a few times so I'll have to do a little research to find which profiles with which guitars produced this problem. What I remember is that it was profiles with a lot of gain and with a humbucker guitar. I don't use much high gain stuff so it is not really annoying for me.

    I Don't have time now ( Xmas! 8o ) but I'll check it in a couple of days!

  • Have a good Christmas. I'm tied up also. I have a Godwin XTSA and a Gibson SG that have HB pups I can test with. I'm a noiseless single coil Strat man and I have never experienced this issue on my high gain patches yet.


  • I didn't have time for now to do a properly made troubleshooting and I'll do it as soon as possible. It could certainly be something wrong in my settup and, as I said, it didn't bother me much as I rarely play high gain. I just wanted to add my voice to this possible issue, maybe too soon to complain I agree! 8|

  • Does your headphone cable has a volume potentiometer on it? Did you try to get the cable from your back so it does not interfere with the pickups. I had the similar problem.