Help Please: Error Message "Booting & Burning from USB device"

  • Hello All. I am having an issue with my kemper rack. I am running 1.8 beta. I am receiving this error message everytime I try to start the Kemper:

    [Blocked Image:]

    I did not have the USB stick plugged in when I originally got the error. I have tried restarting it. Also I tried restarting it with the USB stick having the Kaos.bin file in the OS update folder, and get "Error: Unable to locate firmware file on USB device"

    Anyone have any idea? This sucks :(

  • Well I fixed it guys! Saw someone had a similar problem in another thread. Hopefully, this gets fixed. Would suck to get this error when using the Kemper Rack live.

    Here is what i did:

  • I suspect the stick to be the guilty one. Are there Sticks out there, that will not work properly with the Kemper???

    This apparently happens with some regularity. If you retry and that doesn't work, then always try a new USB drive.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Hi I just had this issue on my KPA , no reset / hard reset could solve it. It just scan the key with a few iteration until it finds a firmware (kaos.bin) file.

    The only thing that can get your KPA back is copying a stable firmware at ROOT level on your USB token, not in the update folder like usual.

    The KPA will flash itself then boot again.