Posts by Arne

    There is more than one possible reason for this. It is not very probable, but it could be that these 109 rigs are damaged. Please start your Profiler while holding the RIG key pressed, so it will check all rigs and sort the damaged ones out. If that does not fix the problem, please contact support.

    We always recommend not to make any changes in Application Support (macOS) or AppData (Windows), because files and folders there can change from version to version without notice. However, with Rig Manager 2.0.17 and 2.0.19 it would be safe to remove the duplicate folder.

    I can reproduce it, so this version of the problem should be fixed in the next update. Thanks for reporting!

    I've had COUNTLESS issues with Rig Manager. And the simple fact that SO many users report issues with it, shows that it's not just a simple user error.

    Here's one of the errors that I experience EVERY time I've used Rig Manager (regardless of the version, or the Kemper OS version). I have a performance that has 5 different rigs in 5 different slots. But, if I decide that I want to put a new rig in slot #2, I open up a 2nd window (as instructed by the manual) and I then drag and drop a rig onto slot #2. Simple enough. BUT, as soon as I do that, Rig Manager in it's infinite "wisdom" decides to automatically rename slot #1 and slot #1's amp name to whatever slot #2 was changed to when I dropped the new rig in it. I've posted videos of this in the past (nearly a year ago). So it's not something new.

    I really was hoping that it is something old. Changes in slot 2 going to slot 1 is something that was supposed to be fixed in Rig Manager 2.0.17. Did you experience this problem in exactly that version? In Windows?

    Also liebe Leute von Kemper,wer auch immer den RigManager bei Euch geschrieben/programmiert hat,
    vielleicht teilt man ihm mal mit, dass es andere Firmen gibt, die seit Jahren Editoren
    am Start haben, die unkomliziert sind und intuitiv bedienbar sind.
    Das, was Euch beim Kemper Profiler gelungen ist, nämlich "einfach und gut",
    davon seid Ihr beim RigManager noch Lichtjahre entfernt!

    Ist angekommen. Um sich dem Standard anderer Firmen anzunähern, wäre er dankbar für ein paar Informationen zur den Problemen:
    - macOS oder Windows?
    - wurden Performances nur innerhalb "My Profiler" bearbeitet oder auch von/zur Local Library kopiert?
    - wurden die Performances in "My Profiler" nur umorganisiert oder auch kopiert?

    Rig Manager 2.0.17 is available, and several performance management problems have been fixed. However, the issues regarding performance reordering will be addressed in a future version.

    Die Änderungen werden sofort übernommen ABER: In jedem Fall mußt du speichern am KPA drücken, da eine Änderung per RM kein Speichern bewirkt.
    Das ist wie jede Änderung am KPA - sie wird erst wirksam, wenn du speichern (store) am KPA auslöst.

    Nu soll er doch wolle ;)

    Genau das soll man eigentlich nicht machen. Jede Änderung im Rig Manager wird direkt in der gespeicherten Performance wirksam. Man kann ja auch Performances editieren, wenn der Profiler beispielsweise im Browse Mode ist, dann hätte man keine Möglichkeit, am Gerät zu speichern.
    Sind Profiler und Rig Manager in Sync, sprich die aktuell editierte Performance hat in der Liste im Rig Manager das Lautsprechersymbol, dann gehen die Änderungen sowohl in die gespeicherte Performance als auch den aktuellen Edit-Puffer. Ist am Gerät aber die Performance angewählt, die im Rig Manager editiert wird, ohne dass das Lautsprechersymbol sichtbar ist, dann darf man nicht Store am Profiler drücken. Der Rig Manager hat dann nämlich nur die gespeicherte Performance geändert, und das Speichern am KPA überschreibt diese Performance dann mit dem Editpuffer, den der Rig Manager nicht geändert hat.

    Rig Manager does not use the dxd directly. It just comes with the driver that has been developed by dynax for the Profiler, using their own open source library. And of course we paid for it.

    Wine can't run the Rig Manager because it needs the Kemper USB driver. And that doesn't work under Linux. So the only choice you have is to use a VM with Windows. That's what I use.

    Technically the Rig Manager should run just fine under Linux as it's based almost entirely on technologies with Linux origin (Mono and many other open source libraries). It's just compiled in a way so that it will only run on Windows or MacOS.

    That's the downside of open source. Companies can take code and technologies as they like without having to give anything back to the community. As a result the people who have actually created a huge part of the software will never have the chance to use it without jumping through hoops.

    No, Rig Manager will not run under Linux by just recompiling it. I have no idea what you think you saw in the resources, but SQLite is actually the only public domain library that is used by Rig Manager. The UI, which takes up ca. 30% of the code, is completely native on both platforms. I'm not a Linux developer, so I can't tell how hard it is to port managed code (for Windows Forms) or Objective-C (for Cocoa) to a Linux app, but I don't believe it is that easy.
    BTW, SQLite is mainly developed by paid full-time developers, so there is not really a community that we can give anything back to. Instead, we are giving Rig Manager to the Kemper community for free.