Posts by slateboy

    from what i can work out, the middle LED (button 3) is standard tuning and the LEDS either side are for the notes a semitone lower/higher.

    Standard tuning E-notes appear white.

    the bank-button toggles between strobe and needle tuner

    the tap button exits tuner-mode

    if you are more than a couple of semitones away from your desired tuning you might need further assistance in a noisy environment.

    take a look at this post, if you're looking for a midi controller for the player-


    DR. Wilson has received a response, and the question you raised belongs to the issue that needs to be addressed by midicaptain STD regarding bidirectional communication in midi

    At present, some switch state synchronization has been achieved on MIDI Captain MINI 6, and other issues need to be further optimized in the future.

    thanks for your reply and support. i also made contact with Wilson regarding this.

    I appreciate the midi control is in one direction and that there are many possibilities that can not be covered.

    To have two-way communication would be very complicated and not possible to implement for many devices, so I understand this is not the solution.

    The Kemper player, for example does not send midi commands and would need system exclusive to attain the states, which is a big task requiring complex coding.

    As it is now

    As it is, the toggled switches are ignorant of any program-changes made and therefore means the midi captain has to then manually be reset to align with the device. Each program change (on the midi captain) does not need to remember the last state as loading a new preset (in this case on a kemper player) loads into the state that device (Kemper) was saved as.

    Possible solution

    A solution could be to set the initial state of a toggle-switch (or at least have the option to) on the midi captain upon sending a program-change rather than "remembering" its state ignorant of any preset-changes.

    here's a demo of the kind of thing i believe how it should operate. Apologies if you are restricted from viewing this but it is a demo of the above text.

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    I can help you convey some questions, but I am currently unable to log in to YouTube. Can you tell me what problem you have encountered?

    thanks for your assistance.

    The issue that needs resolving is that if you have a switch assigned to toggle an effect block it does not reset/update when you select a new slot (send the next program change message)

    Currently you can select a new slot (program change) then toggle a switch (CC value = 127 to engage delay/etc) but if you then choose a new slot (program change) the toggle state remains unchanged and in its last state. Therefore if you need to enable that effect in the new preset you first have to toggle OFF the switch (CC= 0 ) before you can toggle ON (CC=127) this is counter intuitive and requires unnecessary extra switch presses and also gives a false indication of the state of any effects on/off settings.

    The solution would to be to reset set the state of the effect-toggle switch (make CC value = 0) upon sending a new program-change message, and resetting the state of the LED to reflection this.

    The only work-around at present is to have one button to turn the effect on (CC=127) and a different button to turn the effect off (CC=0) but this takes up two buttons and does not give a full visual indication of the current state as it may require the LED to be set to [select] therefore affecting the slot-number switches that also use the [select] setting. (as shown in the "geek mode" part of the video.


    Do you have to be logged in to youtube to watch a youtube video?

    Out of curiosity, i picked up the midi captain and had a play. some good, some not so good and thought i'd share my experience with you all here:

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    check out the geek mode at 2:40

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    BTW i an not affiliated with the developer. Still awaiting his support response....

    i got hold of the midi captain pedal. quick demo here:

    Believe it or not, it is actually there but out of reach. You just need to access it using NRPN midi controls. (NRPN number 1290 same as on the rack/stage)

    Amp Compressor NRPN = cc 99 value 10, cc 98 value 10 (MSB+LSB)

    Parameter value = cc 6 value 64, cc 38 value 0 (MSB+LSB)

    Just set the desired value. The values shown are for a mid-way value.

    If none of this makes sense you'd benefit from learning about midi and NRPN, maybe you do, so i assume nothing.

    As far as I know, this is the midicaptain six step firmware version, and the new firmware will be released soon. There will be ten step firmware updates in the future

    Assuming you are a user of this device, can you tell me if it is able to put out multiple CC commands with one button press, or NRPN data with one button press?

    i understand it can send a variety of messages with one press, ie prog-chage, CC, note-on, but hoping it can do upto four CC commands on a single press.

    thanks for any info

    We are starting to add audio samples to our YouTube channel. First up is a Fuchs ODS 30. This sample starts off mild and gets spicy. Stay tuned for more amp profiles and a very nice bass amp pack coming soon and don't forget to check out our free sample pack available from our website.

    Audio sample of Fuchs ODS.

    Nice video with great sounds.

    Just to clarify, are we hearing the kemper or the mic'd up cab in the video as visually (and the dessciption) does not make this clear

    In principle, you don't assign module A to foot switch 1 directly and globally.

    Instead you assign FX 1 or Effect Button I to foot switch 1 globally. And then you decide by Rig which effect module you intend to assign to FX 1. Could be module A in one Rig and modul DLY in another. If you assign Effect Button I globally, you can even assign and toggle up to four modules simultaneously - e.g. module A on and module B off - or you trigger Action&Freeze comands like Rotary Speaker Speed. But again, these assignments to Effect Button I can vary by Rig.

    Is it possible to address and control on/off FX1 and FX2 via midi? (as opposed to block A,B,CX, etc)