Posts by karlic

    It is clear when using a clean sound, but quite manageable for distorted guitar. Both lead and rhythm work for me, although less latency would be ideal.

    With the Kemper Stage software allowing for a second loop, would it now be possible to utilise the S/PDIF connections on the Toaster and Rack for a second fx loop?

    If it is drop tuned distorted guitars I certainly wouldn't recommend compression. Also lower the gain a little at higher volumes will bring clarity.

    Ask front of house engineers for tips on whether your eq is working. Don't forget the Fletcher Munson effect comes into play with more volume in a live situation. You will need those mids that sound too much at low volume.

    I highly doubt they're as preoccupied or bothered with the "whining" as the people on this forum who thrive on petty squabbles and get reflexively defensive.

    The things that were teased at NAMM, after the previous year of having nothing new, was necessary. Thus far they've also promised by summer, which is still within that window. A handful of guys getting antsy and irritable really isn't reflective of the vast majority. There also seems to be more people complaining about the complainers than complainers themselves, honestly. If 1 out of every 10 people complain, then the other 9 talk about the complainer, makes it feel much more significant than it is.

    Besides, it's not like the editor thread wasn't continually the most active thread on the forum. Those who are less than happy would have just been posting there instead. Either way, I think by far most people are patient and understanding enough.

    This forum is very helpful on the whole, but you have to remember that a vocal minority making complaints don't represent the whole. Most Kemper users probably get on with playing guitar and take the updates as a bonus.

    Does anyone have any idea how many Kempers have been sold?

    It will be nice to get the editor out to clear the forum of the issue and also concentrate on other things. It seems to dominate so much for a tool that doesn't affect tone amongst guitarists.

    I thought dual amp was not possible with the current hardware. You can see what the list of priorities are by checking through this forum. Editor, os7, updated stomps, sweetened tunings etc. I'm sure they have a few other surprise ideas too.

    Bias FX is quite a different product and not something I found in the same ballpark to Kemper personally.

    Guitar sales have gone down across the board pretty consistently over the last decade, year-by-year. Mainstream music hasn't been significantly guitar-driven for quite sometime, while iDevice sales, softsynths and computer-driven music have been on a steady incline. Is there a parallel or connection? Probably so. In fact, a pure leap from analog to digital really wouldn't involve a guitar at all, as the guitar, as we all think of it, is 100% analog.

    Most of what constitutes popular music nowadays is nothing more than Ableton Live. Sad, but, unfortunately, true.

    That might be the case in chart music, but you're speaking to the wrong crowd here. We are all guitar enthusiast and there are still a lot of guitar based music fans too - especially in rock and metal.

    I used to own a Polytune. The 6-string-at-once thing was cool for the first day or two, but after that just didn’t prove to be practical nor accurate enough. I found tuning one string at a time to be much quicker and much much more accurate. Also, trying see that tiny display standing up to tune the 6-strings at once, not happening ?

    Anyone else find this to be the case?

    This is very true. If you want to try it out on a budget first, Polytune is available as a phone app. Like Vernon, I found it to be a gimmick.

    I'm sorry but this comes off as pure fanboyism to me. Using the same logic, you should be complaining about the effects too. With real amps you would need pedals, so why not buy pedals instead of having them built in the Profiler? I'm sure the Profiler is an amazing machine as it is, that's why I intend to buy one anyway, but why complain when someone is suggesting something extra? If they can do it and you don't need the extra feature, just don't use it, or don't buy a -hypothetical- more expensive unit. If they add dual profiles, literally no-one will complain. I don't want to buy a second Kemper, just like I prefer not to have external effect pedals, I like simplicity and all-in-one solutions.

    I am happy to respect your opinion, but having used Kemper over 4 years I appreciate the simplicity in basic use. Of course you can dive deeper since updates, but I like to see it as foremost an amplifier and not a computer.

    Two profiles starts to get away from the simplicity of making a profile and playing. We a closer to modelling and the constant tinkering from the way I saw Kemper.

    With real amps you would need 2 setups for this, so why not buy a second Kemper instead of producing a more expensive unit? I am thinking about a second one for live now the Stage has 2 loops:-)

    Just new to Kemper i can't belive a 7 years old product has not yet got a software editor. I sold my stupidly expensive Axe Fx to move for a cheap amp simulator which is Bias Fx and both had editor it's realy sad bc its a downgrade compare to the other i'm not event talking about Helix. I honestly barely used it since i got it it's not as convinient as i thought it was to dial direclty on the unit, the small screen doesn't handle well all the informations and make it unclear to setup for a good tone.

    I have to say that, unless you are wealthy enough not to care about wasted purchases, I’d read thoroughly about any gear I buy in advance. It is even part of the fun to anticipate the features and what you might achieve.

    Surely if an editor really is an overriding consideration, make sure it is available before buying. Personally I don’t think the Kemper is about heavy programming and is very easy to control from the front screen.

    I will surely enjoy using it when the day comes, but tone is why I settled on Kemper originally.

    It is a shame that there is no way to protect plugins, but that is the same problem for our music as well since digital. I particularly remember feeling disenchanted after spending thousands on plugins like Sonnox etc and then seeing everyone using cracks.

    I could see Kemper having an AAX or VST plugin that recalls the settings and rig as long as a hardware unit is connected. The only thing is that I prefer that their efforts are spent on improvements in tone instead of external software.

    The Kemper feels like an amp to me, but if it became a plugin that would feel like a lesser product somehow. Without the hardware costs, the team would also not be able to support free upgrades and the product would change. A lot of time and cost would have to be devoted to futile attempts to protect their intellectual property, while customers would expect a Kemper for $100.