Posts by Soloist74

    Non dipende dalla pedaliera. Purtroppo si tratta di un bug, introdotto con l'OS 4.2.2, che il supporto fatica a voler riconoscere. Fino alla 4.0.6 funzionava perfettamente.
    Finché non si decideranno a riconoscerlo (e risolverlo) non c'è nulla che tu possa fare.

    It looks like the KPA receives the program change and ignores the CC command from the floorboard.
    This problem appeared in firmware 4 I think...before that everything was working fine.

    Same problem I reported here, back in Oct 2016.
    Because of this I'm stuck with OS, last version to work correctly with my Rocktron All Access.
    It seems that the PC, despite it's sent before the CCs, sometimes gets executed last, thus loading the rig in its saved state (all stomps off in my case) voiding any effect of the CCs.
    Glad I'm not alone desperately crying for help anymore. :) I'd really love to finally be able to enjoy the new delays...

    Le differenze sono minimali. A mio avviso se hai la power head non ha senso prendere quella attiva, a meno che tu non intenda usarla anche con altri sistemi che non dispongano di un finale.

    Well, there was no reply from support.

    I'm afraid they tend to give a very low priority to any issue related to controllers other than their own one.
    My issue is also being ignored.

    Can anyone direct me to where I can download the last version of OS 4?

    Having updated to 5 and everything working fine, I now discovered there is a difference in patch changpe speed. It only became obvious now I have shows and the computer sends midi changes.

    I have the same issue. Program changes are now handled slower than control changes, even if sent before them, which leads to what's described here.
    Beware that newer versions of OS 4 have the same issue. The last one which works correctly for me is

    3) ti permette di ordinare e modificare i vari rigs senza doverli salvare nuovamente nella memoria del profiler, evitando in tal modo di avere doppioni di rigs che si differenziano, ad esempio, per una minima differenza di equalizzazione o per un differente delay.

    Che però è un'arma a doppio taglio. Se hai più performance slot basati sullo stesso rig, ogni modifica va riportata in ogni slot.

    No idea if anybody had a look at my dumps (I guess not), but here's an update.

    As of today the problem still persists (just tested with OS
    I observed that, despite the All Access sends one PC (which selects a rig) followed by some CCs (which toggle stomps/effects on/off), sometimes the PC is processed after the CCs.
    Whenever this happens the undo button shortly lights up (as the CCs have changed the current rig's state) and then goes off again (as an effect of the PC loading the rig in its saved state).
    Version works like a charm, all subsequent versions have this issue.

    4.2.2 in show (don't need extreme delays on that one) and 5.0.0 for recording/gigging ... I only had difficulties in the very early 4's with slots behaving badly. All good now!

    I'm having issues similar to what described here with both those versions.
    Would you mind sending me a SysEx dump of your All Access, so that I can check whether it's a problem with my configuration?
    That would be really helpful!

    2. I've set the 5 slot on each performance as my lead tone with the X turned on with a 3.5 db boost. This is how I save it and its running great. Then, when I change the slot and go back to the 5, it has the follow boost and the botton for the X glows for a split second, then the volume drops to normal and the light turns off for the X button.

    4. The last thing I notice is that the setting for the X on the 5th preset for each profile will work as expected, patch changes and the X button is engaged, with the volume boost, when I switch to the slot using the RIG buttons. Then, when I try and repeat the same with the foot controller it does what I described in number 2 above.

    If you're using an OS Version > 4.0.6, I'm pretty sure 2 and 4 are related to the issue described here. I didn't test it in performance mode, but what you describe is exactly what happens to me in browser mode (using a Rocktron All Access).
    I suggest you report it as a bug, to increase the chances the developers have a look into it.
    I tried to push it forward and even provided MIDI dumps to help reproduce the problem, but got no feedback ever since.

    invece fai come faccio io ma senza uscire dal kpa col thru

    In realtà il KPA non è necessariamente il primo nella catena, ma è irrilevante.

    ma hai provato a togliere il thru dal kemper e vedere se hai lo stesso problema?

    Sì. Tutti i test li faccio esclusivamente con All Access e KPA, proprio per escludere altre variabili.

    dal support...novità?

    Ancora nessuna. Non credo abbiano particolare fretta di risolvere problemi relativi a controller di terze parti. Fosse un problema col loro Remote sarebbero sicuramente più solerti.