Posts by Locrain

    Ok, thanks I appreciate the comments and will take all this on board :D I realise I am now actually running a small business so yes, you're right I need to make sure I keep abreast of all these kind of things.
    In some ways, it's a sign of success :D which I hope will be a good thing.

    thanks everyone. apologies again if I upset people.


    Thanks Marcus, that's good of you to try and see our viewpoint. And you're right about all that: You are actually running you own small business (!), and you do need to keep abreast of these things (good for you for recognizing this), and it IS a sign of success, absolutely. Well-deserved, I'm sure.

    I don't think you upset anyone, honestly we were really trying to help protect both you, and the customer.

    Best of luck man, if I need any more Dumble sounds I will definitely take a look at your stuff. :)

    Quote from 'Nikos

    After some bad experience in the late 80s with Dimarzios...

    We've all been there, man. Gotta get back on that saddle, and learn to trust again. Can't let the past hold you back. :D

    Ash could try to keep the non-drinking driver entertained from the back seat with an improvised beer-bottle techno-drum set.

    Only problem would be that he'd keep messing up the pitch by taking sips after forgetting which bottles are already-tuned.

    It could be a new experimental genre..."Liquid Pitch"...?




    ...not those...

    Haha, I had no doubt it would make things harder for people. That was kind of my question in a way...if Kemper had wanted to make 3rd party products/services more difficult to use, maybe he could have?

    If so...I'm clearly very glad he didn't...since now I can edit profiles without wearing down the buttons on the KPA. :D

    Edit: But obviously a 1 or 2 channel program would get through no matter what, because the KPA has to use something...right? I'm getting it? :D

    No, I think you've "helped" yourself enough.

    Btw, that was an answer, even though you didn't mean it. do you not see that when you're typing it...?

    Goodnight and good luck Marcus.

    I'm picking up most of what you're putting down...but my KPA has always produced an audio signal...maybe that's the problem for everybody who doesn't love theirs...


    Thanks for that explanation. Would it have been possible, if Kemper had wanted, to lock down MIDI comms to only allow floorboard control? I assumed not, since MIDI works off a shared protocol...but they could have at least locked channels that they didn't use? Or no?

    MIDI noob, in case you didn't pick up. :D

    Would you mind posting a screenshot of the part where you asked (why would you???) and he gave permission (why would he???) to use his full name in combination with promotion of your profiles using his clips?

    IOTW, does he really want to get his name out there, or did you realize you fucked up, edited it out, and found yourself unable to accept and apologize for a very small mistake that has turned into more business lost than gained?


    Just asking, you in fact do have correspondence between you two, in which you asked him if it was ok to use his full name in regards to promotion of his clip, and he said yes?

    Or did he volunteer it?

    Or are you squirming when you should just say..."my bad".

    There is a saying, "you can be right, or you can be happy".

    I'll translate for this situation: "You can be right, or you can make money".


    @norburybrook seem like a nice one here thinks you are a scammer. Personal information is legally guarded for a reason. If you can't understand that at least, I hope for your sake that you never become big enough for this (honestly horrible) attitude towards the concept of customer privacy to bite you in the ass. Because at some point it will. And if the victim can prove misdeeds on your part (they'd just have to show a judge this thread), it might not be very cheap for you.

    In other words, we're just trying to help. Take it.

    And what a surprise it would be. :D

    As much as I am a fan of the way Kemper has handled this product (as well as the Access/Virus synth line), it is sometimes frustrating to get no real answer to the capabilities of the direct competition. In this case, ToastME bridges the gap admirably, thank God for the aftermarket community, and thanks to Kemper for not locking it down too hard (I don't know if they really could have with MIDI...but still).

    That's so cool...

    Dumbass question that I could probably answer through Google, but I like when you guys talk to me, hahaha:

    Do you just tune it by adjusting the length of each pipe, whether through cutting, or extensions, etc?

    3: He replied saying yes , I could and I could use it on my website etc or anywhere


    Did you discuss the public use of his full name/email address...?

    ...This isn't difficult Marcus.


    I did feel like I was being attacked for doing something wrong, hence I felt the need to defend my actions and not apologise.

    This is not a good move.

    Edit: To clarify: Which matters more to you: How you feel? Or how much you sell? Because it's very obvious that one of those is going to take a hit.

    Edit 2: I sometimes provide "beta-test feedback" as well as demo clips to certain profilers on the forum. They know not to post my name/email, just the same way I know not to share/pirate the profiles they are kind enough to send to me. Guess what? None of us have ever had to bring any of that up, because it's just common courtesy.

    Sometimes, often in another country, I will find myself apparently ignorant of common courtesy. Regardless of what I think about the "rule" I have violated, I'd have to be a madman to argue. Instead I do my best to...listen...back off...and learn.

    I use ToastME, it is available for MAC. I really like it. It's not as good, surely, as official Kemper software would be, but for free??? It's pretty great.

    Edit: You do have to run MIDI cables from the KPA through a converter, to a USB port on your MAC. I use this one, and it's been fantastic (EDIT: I USE WIN 10):…-Midi-Cable/dp/B00967UN50

    Fair warning, if you decide to try and save money, go through this list and pick one. If you pick one not from this list, don't come here crying when it doesn't work. Actually, do come crying, cause we will still help. But buy one of these if you go this route! :D

    M-Audio Uno
    M-Audio Profire 2626
    M-Audio MIDISport 2X2 USB Bundle
    Yamaha UX 16 USB/MIDI interface
    Roland Um-One
    ESI Midimate EX
    ESI Midimate II
    AVID/M-Audio Fast Track Pro (latest drivers from AVID)
    Motu 823 mk3
    Miditech MIDIface 4x4
    Focusrite Scarlett 6i6 2gen
    RME FireFace UC

    LoL, I didn't go through the entire gearslutz thread until after Locrain's comment...well, I feel pretty stupid about my previous comment on SSD5 now :wacko: Sorry, english isnt my first language so the saracsm went over my head on first reading :D

    Haha, you should absolutely not feel stupid. English is rough!!! And to be fair, "" around a word/statement usually does indicate sarcasm or disbelief in what was 'quoted". And I like to think @Monkey_Man may have subtly been bridging the gap between sincerity and sarcasm, "SSD5 is coming soon, but they've been saying so for years, so it's probably coming soon...buuuut.." kind of thing...I might be wrong. (I know it really is soon Nicky, we've just been saying that for a while, so it's fun to poke at. :D But I do know it really is soon. I hope it's so awesome)

    Anyway, anyone who speaks a second language as well as you do doesn't have to apologize for anything, IMO.

    Edit: I've listened to your song a couple times throughout the night. Shit rocks, man. Lemme know if you want a webcam video of me air-drumming to it. To put in the official music video, of course. :D