Posts by CarloLf

    Ein Profil ist also immer das abmikrofonierte Amp-Signal.

    Dies vorab: dass beim Profilen ein Mikrofon beteiligt ist, ist schon richtig. ABER: hier werden vom Kemper Profiler seltsame und sehr unangenehme Geräusche auf dem Amp und auf der Box provoziert, die nun gar nichts mit dem zu tun haben, was wir über die angestöpselte Gitarre zu hören kriegen. Was zum Geheimnis der Kemper-Algorithmen bei der Sounderkennung eines Amps gehört.

    Ansonsten kann ich manches nachvollziehen, was hier geschrieben wurde. Meine Erfahrungen: zu vieles Herumprobieren mit Sounds macht irgendwann die Ohren dicht, man kann eigentlich nicht mehr richtig entscheiden, was gut und was weniger gut klingt, und speichert etwas ab, was am nächsten Tag nicht mehr gefällt.

    Dass aber Sounds über Kopfhörer und über FRFR so anders klingen, kann ich nicht nachvollziehen. Über PA kann das was anderes sein, das machen andere für mich.

    Was ich aber wiederum auch oft erlebt habe: gekaufte Rigs klingen anders als über die Werbe-Sounds der Ersteller. Warum, weiß ich nicht. Jedenfalls: keines meiner gekauften Rigs hat es zu einer Performance gebracht, die ich dann tatsächlich auch verwende. Und manche der gekauften Rigs und viele der freien Rigs, die über den Kemper Server auffindbar sind, finde ich so unbrauchbar, kratzig, schrill, kurz: mies, dass ich mich frage, wie können andere Leute das gut finden? Ok, natürlich ist das eine subjektive Wahrnehmung, basierend auf dem, was du als Gitarrensound überhaupt gut findest.

    Letztlich habe ich freie Profile gefunden, die ich, etwas angepasst, einfach gut finde und mit denen der Kemper der Soundmaker ist, den ich liebe.

    Here it came again. Starting RigManager on a running Profiler (stage), it recommends a OS software version "PROFILER Operating System".

    Now, on my Profiler, the system told me it is running "". That is: a system named as beta. I ran the update process again, and now the profiler system shows "".

    Well, I think this was just a rename of the OS version to cancel the beta sign. And I hope, everything is now uptodate and ok.:)

    Now, today I installed the new release of RigManager 3.2.43. This worked. Then I did "Check for software updates" and RigManager found OS 8.54 as the new updateable OS. I let it do the update. It worked. Soon after, RigManager noticed me of a new OS update: 8.54. Ok, I said to myself: let it redo the update process. It did. Then, after closing RigManager and restarting it again (Windows 10, latest), it came back with the message of the new OS release as suggestion for an update.

    Anyone else having this "feature"?

    While everybody surely is interested in announcements of new versions by Kemper, I also think Kemper should be clear about what is contained and fixed in a new releases.

    Statements like this: "This version also includes a couple of fixes..." are not satisfying users, they are at least obscure. For me this expresses as if Kemper wants to hide what's going on.

    deally I'd like to be able to log into my account and see my ticket status

    yes, that would be nice. Even better, if Kemper had a page with all opened and unsolved tickets which they themselves declare as error or problem to solve. Then, with each release, Kemper could also declare which tickets became resolve. As it is, the whole process is rather intransparent.

    As a software developer, I know that Github projects work completely different. Ok. After all, Kemper is not Open Source.

    And then to paste a Rig you need to select not just a Performance, but one of the Slots within the Performance

    Quite right. This is how I do it and how it should work. But, to my experiences: sometimes it works, sometimes not. I do not know why. And this is a RigManager problem I met since the beginnings of RM. So, if I do this copy/paste operation, it mostly does not work with the first trial. I have to repeat the process, change Performance number and go back to the one which is my target, repeat copy & paste until somehow - not clearly why - it eventually works.

    Yes, I do have noise gate activated in the input section, and I use a compressor in the first slot. While putting them down reduces volume and tone, it really does not touch what I noticed.

    And, there is a simple way to test it against the default rig which are housing all performances not used. As you know, there are no effects used at all. I can still hear a pulsing, dying tone.

    There is something with my Profiler Stage I am not happy with at all. This is when you let a tone die - keep the finger pressed on the last note played. It does not sound like on a real amp where the tone naturally is fading out. Instead, the tone is dying or fading out in annoying waves, not uniformely becoming quiet. Of course, these waves get more amplified when reverb or delay is on.

    This is noticeable on all profiles. I am just curious if other players also notice this - and, if there exists a remedy.

    I agree. For me as a hobby musician it’s almost unusable and just a gimmick. But I see it’s place at the rehearsal place and maybe on stage. But on stage….wouldn’t you already have made your sounds beforehand :/

    That's what I think: who will edit performance rigs on stage? Working in studio is a different thing.

    So I do have a splitted view on this new tablet app: I do not need it because I edit my performances at home using the PC. But the other side is: Kemper blames people who do not have (and do not like) Apple devices.

    Arguments like Android world is too much diverse do not hold: the app is not a sound making media machine, it is just a nice editor communicating with the real sound machine over WiFi. This would be no problem at all with an Android device. The real problem is: Kemper software is not based on a common framework interfacing the real os systems below. Therefore they must develop and supply too much incompatible software branches.

    Well, if Kemper made all RigManager and Editors by using a framework which is supported by all platforms (Windows, Linux, iOS, Android) as QT5 is, there would only be minor points where they would have be platform-specifics. But Kemper did not. So they have to support incompatible versions. That's at least what I think although I do not know anything about the inerts of the software and it's platform versions.