Posts by CarloLf

    Zwar habe ich das nie ausprobiert (und sehe auch keinen Grund): aber es ist doch auch bei echten Amps so: Zerrer gehören vor den Amp.

    Ansonsten würde ich dir raten: probiere doch einfach alle Zerrer, die der Kemper kennt, aus, fummele mit den Parametern herum und höre, ob du den Sound, den du willst, nicht auch mit dem Kemper hinbekommst.

    Natürlich ist es primär ein Schutz gegen unbeabsichtigtes Herunterfahren. Und es wäre für die Entwickler kein Problem, das sofortige Herunterfahren zu veranlassen, wenn der Klick auf den Ausschalter detektiert wird. Es müsste aber in den allgemeinen Einstellungen festgelegt werden, ob der Anwender diese Möglichkeit bevorzugt. Die Meisten wollen das sicher nicht, also müsste die Voreinstellung auch so sein.

    the best place is immediately after the offending item

    Maybe I am a bit naive. But to my experience, regarding the source of the noise, it is (in my configuration) the distortion effect, a little bit also the booster effect. Switching them off, I hear no noise when the input noise gate is down. Switching them on, results in heavy disturbing noise. Now turning the level of the input noise up, there is a point, where the noise goes away. Then, tell me what is the source of the noise? The guitar picks? Maybe the distortion effects is amplifying the guitars noise; I do not know. This is true whether I use a Strat or a Gibson (I am not a metal guy and I do not use high gain profiles). BTW: putting a noise gate AFTER the distortion effect is no option for me, because I need this stomp for another effect.

    This reminds me of the old days when I had some distortion or boost pedal before the real amp: after all what they produces, they made unwanted noise.

    After experimenting with all those parameters, especially resetting input noise gate to zero, saving the performance, switch to another rig channel, go back to the edited one, then turn the noise gate on to the level where noise begins to disappear, I got the impression, the system now reacts different to my original problem of fluttering dying tones when letting the last note or chord standing and sounding out. Then there is not that heavy fluttering wave I had before. Maybe a result of some caching effect in the profiler, gone away when you save another input noise gate level?

    BTW: just changing only input noise, RigManager does not recognize a change, so the save button is not active. Wondering.

    Don’t forget, built in gate is directly after the input. It’s quieting the guitar. Not the entire rig.

    This seems some kind of "logical". But in fact, it does not work like that. I have this stack: Compressor-Booster-Distortion-Amp(-Equalizier-Delay-Reverb). Testing it is easy: put all effects off, and no noise is there. Then switch booster and distortion on. If noise gate is set to 0, then there is ugly noise. Then, as the manual says, turn the noise gate to some value until there is no or almost no noise.

    There is something very ugly with the profiles / rigs I am using. This is a fluttering tone dying when you let the last hitted note standing. It is some kind of ugly, unnaturally wave (up/down loudness) instead a smooth, gradually dying tone. Are there any means or parameters to overcome this? Is it an effect of reverb?

    Anyone else who noticed this?

    Die Frage ist auch: für welche Umgebung? Zuhause? Im Proberaum? Auf der Bühne?
    Ich habe eine HeadRush 212. Aber ich habe mittlerweile festgestellt: Kemper einfach an den Mixer, auf der Bühne reicht der ohnehin vorhandene Monitor, wenn der Mixer in der Lage ist, deine Gitarre separat einzustellen (Lautstärke im Verhältnis zum Rest der Band, die auch aus dem Monitor kommt).

    The PROFILER's gain control is absolutely tone neutral, it really does just increase the gain.

    I doubt, when trusting my ears. What Kemper states maybe right in a very technical view. I always found when increasing gain a remarkable lost of tone clarity and especially a lost of the characteristics of the profiled amp. After all, distorted or heavy gain profiles tend to sound the same: mud, especially when played loud in a band context.
    From another tone experience: using above mid or heavy gain profiles and decreasing the gain level always leads to are real amp tone .

    Just my ears...

    Or is it just a myth with this famous "Amp in a room"? After all - it is not the amp, which the profiler can replicate very well, and most of you agree with. It is the sound coming out of a box - whatever the box type is. And then: it is the "room", which can be a very different thing. Further: the surrounding sounds: at home alone or with an (extremely?) loud band (which instruments take part?) So many factors, and of course your ears or subjective factor.

    Or is it the problem that guitarrists are never really satisfied with their sound (instrument, effects, amp, cabs, etc).