Lots of questions while I am deciding to buy

  • I have looked around and have not found what I am after so please forgive me if I missed this somewhere else.

    It's the age old thing of me being a tube amp guy all my life. I am older but, I have always embraced new technology.

    I had an Eleven rack that I really didn't care for, it seems to be very limited. I did like the idea just not that unit.

    I am not looking to sell my collection of tube amps but, I am looking at these modeler amps to see if they could make my gigs easier to do. Weight wise and footprint wise it would be great to have a system that could do it all without lugging a ton of gear in and out every time I go play somewhere.

    So some questions if you all can please help me with. If I get one it will be the powered version.

    1. What amp profiless come with the stock unit?
    2 What cab IRs come with it?
    3 What effects are included?
    4 Is there a selection of microphone profiles that are included or how does that work?

    That's all for now, thanks in advance for any info you can share!

    When I am too old to play guitar please put me in the ground....

  • Profiler is a bit different. It's not setup like Eleven Rack with different mics etc..

    It comes with 100s of profiles and there are 1000s available on the Rig Exchange and Rig Manager
    Each profile has a Cabinet , which you can switch/ exchange with others

    It's fairly simple to profile your own amps with your own favorite settings

    Tons of effects of all types

    OH! And welcome to the Forum Family :)

  • I used to tote a VHT UL rig around with both a 2x12 fat bottom and 4x12 slant top.... and a bunch of pedals.

    I also had a Fender HRD for some clean work.

    I can honestly say that I do not miss either rig and in fact, have better tone today than any time in my life.

    If you buy a Kemper and don't like it, you will likely not lose much on by selling it. They are very popular and retain their value very well.

  • I was an old tube guy as well.....in terms of portability for gigs...OMG...I now just take my rack and a 1 x12 to monitor and my remote. Set up in about 5 mins...

    Never sound checked so quick as its a consitant feed via XLR to the desk....sound guys love it! It sometimes feels like the Kemper is focused on Studio work but be in no doubt its a serious live weapon!

    Don't worry about what profiles come with the stock unit because.....there are 10,000+ you can access for free from the rig exchange! But there are some great rig packs as standard and some very cheap third party rigs.

    There is a very comprehensive effects list, delays, reverbs, chorus, flangers, pitch shifting and whammy, noise gates, compressors...