Posts by daslave

    Man, I can't relate to that rant, coming from a TC G-System, the support and pace here are amazing. The whole Beta testing thing kind of implies that bugs are likely to be found. I for one like the opportunity to try things out in advance. I also do not agree with comments that the Kemper has never been stable. If apple had built this thing, we would be paying for every accessory, the rig exchange would be an app store and every upgrade would require a new style connector and accessory lol.

    Life is too short to be so bitter about a product, used Kemper's are easy to sell, just saying :D

    I don't spend a lot of time posting here but I drop in daily to see the active threads .....

    After reading this I want to chime in and say that I am content to wait for a finished and polished version vs a premature and buggy version. I can't imagine the drama that would ensue if the new features have bugs lol

    I personally love my Kemper and don't see myself jumping ship if this isn't released this month

    I also have a liquid foot 12+, it is extremely flexible and I find the Set List mode to be really well thought out. Once you wrap your head around the editor and what the various screen do, I think the level of intimidation goes way down. From the perspective of "what can I do with this controller", I would say there is likely a way to do whatever you are looking to do, it has lots of functionality.

    I was toying around with unrealbook for a while, I forgot about that app :D I ended up opting for a liquid foot 12+, l create a preset for each Kemper rig that I am using and add in additional mapping for my Voicelive 2 and Ableton live etc.. Then these presets get selected into songs and then the songs get selected into sets, I can then cycle through the songs in a set and toggle between the sets etc using the LF. I have it set-up so that the songs don't automatically arm on the LF, this way when I select one of the presets within a song, my Ableton live midi triggers. So to visualize, say I am in my first set list and I toggle through the songs and come to War Pigs, when I click on the preset I am using for that song, my Kemper changes, my voicelive changes and my video for War Pigs plays, the video also has a midi time line in it that controls a DMXIS to control all my lights, realistically I could control all the midi gear we use but it is fun to watch the other guitarist tap dance lol.

    I am really only scratching the surface on what could be done.

    This could be a much better forum if everyone agreed that we are all adults and folks stopped trying to tell others what to or not to think or say. The song is obviously political, so what, if you don't like what someone has typed, keep scrolling down lol..the thread never needed to end up in a debate of the merits of what can be posted. Aren't there mods here to keep things in line vs individuals feeling the need to be the though police?

    Nice work Sean!! I noticed you are using separate buttons for record and play, have you tried play as the second function on the record button, if so, did you find it to work better with separate buttons? I have come across a few odd moments using the reverse function where I will get a loop repeating forward followed by the same loop backwards or the opposite, I am not sure if it is because my original loop was longer than my overdub etc.. lol but it is kind of cool :D

    I like doing that freeze thing, recording it and switching to half speed to get different octaves then reversing it....I end up with a cool texture to noodle over.

    Sure would be awesome to use the looper with the new firmware!!

    This is how I do it

    Settings / Global Feature - set Kemper up as a midi device

    Create a preset for each Kemper Rig you want to use
    Preset Command Programming - Midi command, select Kemper, PC and enter your pc value

    Songs - set-up each song selecting the presets you wish to use for the songs

    Set Lists - set up a set list for each set by selecting the songs within each set

    Pages - Set up a Set List page, I never use more than four presets so for me the bottom 4 buttons are set as preset B#01 - B#04
    I have a button that toggles function song up and function set list up as the second function and another button that does song down with set list down as the second function

    So from this one page I can toggle through the songs in within a set and toggle through the sets, I have buttons set-up to go to different pages ie one to control fx, one to play around with the looper, one to trigger videos in ableton.

    I have a button set-up where on = record and off = play, another on = stop and second function = erase, one for undo and one each for half and reverse using step commands to cycle them on and off where there step name is displayed on the Liquid foot screen, I may change these 2 back to on and off values rather then steps. With the Liquid foot you can set the little screens to be different colors based on their state ie on, off or bypassed.

    Currently I have a separate page setup for the looper which has buttons to get to my setlist page, fx page and song page, each of those has a button to get me back to the loop page. I can change rigs, add effects and have an expression pedal set-for wah and another which can be gain or volume or anything else I want to figure out. Each preset in the Liquid Foot can have something like 20 functions defined, then when you get to the song level you can have another 10, as an example I send cc's to the Kemper to change the rig, cc's to change settings on my voicelive2 based on the preset selected and send a command to ableton to change the video I have running when a preset is selected within a song. The editor for the LF has an area to set-up 16 devices so you can do a ton of things and that gives lots to play with lol

    Getting back to the looper, I have noticed that the loop volumes can change based on the rig being selected, for example if I start a loop with a clean sound and switch to a rig with boosted volume for a solo the volumes can get get loud, I have been using the expression to go from clean to dirty instead. Anyway I am still playing around to see what works, looking at the manual, shouldn't there also be a command to trigger the loop?

    I just spent my afternoon toying around with the looper on my LF 12+ and it works pretty good, without having tried the KPR I am not sure what differences in control there are but it was fun anyway. The reverse and half speed are pretty cool to noodle off in psychedelic land the internal debate.... miss out on the new profiling and eventually be left behind or keep playing with the looper and never let the psychedelic free ride in the land of twats and trolls end haha just kidding

    A few points to make, I have already spent more on a controller than what the KPR would have cost me, the KPR was not available and I need a controller, it is not my failing that the remote took so long to materialize. Second point, the KPR does not have enough midi depth to meet my needs so I would not have bought one. Third point, I have stated on here that I am willing to pay something for access.......I am not looking for a free ride or for anyone individual to call me a twat simply because they feel their opinion has more value than mine.

    I also would not be against paying a fee of some kind to gain access to CC's or NRPN's. I originally started out using a G-system to control the Kemper and the inability to pass expression pedal data to either the Kemper or other devices lead me to my current controller, switching to the KPR would leave me in the same boat for controlling other things like my Voicelive 2 and only being able to only control 2 other devices is a limit that does not sell me on having to spend more and being left to try and sell my current controller at a loss.

    I do not have a sense of entitlement here, it just kind of baffles me because the remote is just passing button presses back to the Kemper where the software resides, it is not like the looper software is self contained in the KPR?

    Can you imagine if the pitch shifters features had been added only for folks willing to buy a Kemper expression pedal? Would the folks with other existing expression pedals not have felt like me now? That is sort of where my thinking is at.

    I would never buy a car that only ran on that companies gas or a guitar that only worked with that companies guitar strings, I look for versatility and think a bit further down the road to what I may need. That's why I ended up with a Kemper in the first place, it would be a crying shame if it becomes a game of limits in place of a push to make this the most versatile option out there.

    As in update-able to incorporate new features and improvements etc...that is kind of the point of having the ability to flash firmware etc. You should stop opening these threads if it upsets you because that is not my intent. I do however have the right to express my option, regardless of your desire to agree, so save yourself the grief and understand that I am an adult capable of thinking for myself.

    From Kempers own site

    "Free Feature Update

    Wouldn’t it be great to beam a couple of different new tubes into your amp back from the 50s? Or magically let a couple of new stomps surface in your gig bag? In software you already can do that and we make extended use of it. Free feature additions by software updates for the Profiler is a tradition at Kemper. We pride ourselves to use what’s common in the computer world for a musical instrument as well, to your advantage. This way, your purchase becomes even more valuable over time. "

    I take that to go along with being more future proof then buying something that is not update able.

    Again I am shocked that more controls are possible, who would have have ever thought that possible? I am disappointed that they killed the functionality with the release of 3.0 and the kpr, weren't comments just made on the forums that all Kemper functions were now Midi controllable? Guess the ones related to the looper were not on the allowed list. I really love my liquid foot 12+ and do not see enough value in the remote to justify buying another controller simply to have the Kemper version, also from a Midi stand point the kpr doesn't have the depth that my current controller does.

    So if there are no latencies involved with Midi, is the only justification to prevent us from using Midi for looper control, that we wouldn't know which button does what without the kpr's screen? Or is this just to drive up kpr sales? I was originally going the Axefx2 route until I discovered the Kemper, for all the praise here for all things Kemper and how much better it is here vs there, this really smacks me as something that is isolating a portion of the folks who were formerly proud to praise the Kemper.... that's my 2 cents, no perspective needed, no bashing required from the folks happy to pay for the kpr.... I paid for the Powerrack thinking it was pretty future proof and bought into the belief that it was better here based on the chatter on the forum...