Posts by V8guitar

    I'm thinking that most people have more sensitivity in the right foot.
    thinking about car driving from left to right
    clutch pedal - brake pedal - accelerator pedal

    It does still depend I think.

    I have mine the same as you - volume on left, Wah right and far right pitch ( which I don't use anymore). Volume on the left is fine for me as I don;t use it for morph and very rarely for backing off volume. I find it easier than trying to hit the tuner switch so I tend to use it as an on/off. If I used it more, I'd have it on the right as I'm right handed.

    DonPetersen I've never fully understood the logic of clean/Distorted sense. I know what is does but not understood the need as opposed to a signle input level control?

    Is it based around the profiling process and being able to then balance profiles or something else? Not an issue, just curious...

    Yep know about that one ... i'll try that as well, is that intended pure for leads or overall sound ?


    Ohh I don't....I'll try that!

    live I use a different slot for lead. Previously it was even a different profile, but now I'm tending to use the same profile with a bit more gain, volume, treble and delay...

    I agree that IOS population is definitely skewed for pro/semi pro musicians.

    I also agree that running RM wirelessly is not a big deal hence one reason there are only 35 posts.

    My only point is that do not totally dilute the population of KPA users into dedicated musicians. I think ( I have no stats) that many if not the majority of users are hobby players like me. Of those hobby players, 70% have Android phones.

    So whilst have RM only on IOS is no biggy...if there is much more done on wireless devices then the problem will increase.

    Whether that is enough for Kemper to include Android is up to the juice worth the squeeze :)

    V8guitar>>> Is that phone only? I highly doubt that the real number is 72%. That seems way to large a number. And are these numbers really valid?

    I was surprised but of course it will be phone.

    My point is as a platform for mobile devices, regardless of the actual percentage, its still significant. For tablets( which is purely for RM) then this is less relevent.

    My only pojnt is if more is planned, then it should be reconsidered.

    I currently control my IEM mix for our soundcraft mixer via my android phone.

    I have no use for RM on my phone. But then again most people are brand platform loyal, so I also only have an Android tablet.

    Okay….I cannot find any valid numbers regarding Android OS vs Apple IOS. But I found numbers from 40% - 54% of the market belonging to Android. Put in the equation that Windows also has a slight part of the market and all the other OS’s out there like in Huawei. Then the market share is at least be close to 50% in Android’s favor if only focusing on Apple and Android. So yes….it’s flipping the middle finger to 50% if the consumers. Unless you somehow found out that only Apple people (like myself) buy your stuff. I hardly believe that to be true. But in that case you might be right regarding the sensible thing to do is just to do Apple.

    Because people don’t respond to a topic is not the same thing as what the market shares of Android vs Apple is like. Tons of variables can be put into the equation.

    What system is placed in most phones and tablets right now? Are you willing to confirm that pretty much around 50% of all mobile devices are born with Android? And if you can, then how come you don’t see it as weird when half of the population uses Android?

    As GString will not comment further ( and I understand why), I don't expect a response but I hope the Kemper team will still read this.

    So couple of points:

    1. I am not massively interested in wireless as I suspect many others aren't, so RM not appearing on Android is less important to me ...BUT as a policy I hope this is reviewed because if any solutions that rely on tablets or phones are of wider interest, then this will become a bigger issue.
    2. I suspect there are limited posts because it will only relate to those interested in wireless, then Android users, then those on the forum and then those who have seen the thread - but I agree not a massive issue for this one feature.
    3. Majority of users, I strongly suspect, are not music professionals. I am not in the music industry. I am a hobby guitarist that has been playing for 30+ years but I have invested heavily in Kemper. I think therefore I am still a valid client...don't forget us hobby guitarists who have disposable income to spend :).
    4. According to google, the worldwide split is circa 72% Android, 26% IOS. Even if you account for this being driven mainly by phones, a skew from pro's to amateurs ( pro's = Studio users = predominately Mac), its still a very high percentage. So taking in to account my points 1 and 3, IF any development becomes valid on a smart phone, then the impact of missing android will be significant. By saying we cover windows and Mac, that is obviously for desktop/fixed. It would be crazy to miss windows off because its the market leader. On mobile, by numbers, android is... the market is different as you move into the mobile world.

    Hope that makes sense.

    Just had a listen...I think they sound great.

    The problem is always:

    1) we tend to think the original amp is "perfect"...most recorded tones have so much post processing anyway

    2) Comparing recorded to amp in the room- its a much bigger difference than I ever realised

    3) In the mix sounds vs raw. We often look at great guitarist and assume their tone is great...but once you isolate it, it can be very thin. I bought an Ozzy pack and played the Randy Rhoads sounds.....yuk....but then compared to his recorded sound, very similar!

    I could have put money on there being 2 outputs for monitor on the rack, but I checked! Sounds like the only option is to allow kone info out of the mains ( switchable obviously).

    Have you raised it as a feature request? Might be worth putting on there as well...

    Thanks for your help people. I’ve sorted it. Only took my 4/5 days haha. Such a relief. God knows what I’ve done but it works and I’ve tried it a few times and I can do it now. Thanks a lot

    Great news.

    I struggled with my Focusrite just to be able to play through it, its far from intuitive!

    I also played with the free trial of Neural Plugins...sound wasn't good AND crashed my computer. seemed to be so resource hungry compared to amplitube.

    OK, but I notice one mistake. When on stage I go FOH through 2 mains out and directly in 2 inputs on mixer. So this is stereo.

    I get my other stereo on stage for monitoring by using Direct Out and Monitor Out on my Powerhead, fed by 2 powered monitors

    The profiler's screen then shows clearly stereo!

    Not sure if this also works with two unpowered cabs because lack of volume.

    Any guitar singal needs amplification.

    Line level outs CANNOT be used to run unpowered cabs. You will get no volume.

    As the poweramp only has mono output, if you want stereo on stage ( which personally I think is a waste of time) then you must use powered cabs.

    Based on this comment, the next thing I would look at is your cable(s) that you are using for your output from the Kemper. Are they running next to any wall warts (transformers) or power cords? I would look for anything that could cause an electric interference. If you have other cables try a different one to see if that helps at all.

    Worth checking but to me it didn't sound like interference, more like ring modulation to me as DamianGreda mentioned, hence I mentioned my "ghosting issue"

    Here's the thing, though, and where the argument for the monitor sounding just like FOH or vice versa falls apart for me.

    FOH from a mic'd guitar cab generally sounds nothing like what you hear standing in front of the cab on stage. FOH always gets a mic'd cab sound vs the player hearing the direct cabinet. Whats more, mic placement has an enormous impact on what sound is heard, as does where the player is standing in relation to the cabinet on stage. An inch this way or that with the mic.....big character changes. A player stepping a foot or two in either direction can have similar results depending on how far away they are.

    Perhaps I'm missing something.....but FOH vs monitor using a KPA isn't fundamentally different than FOH vs monitor of a regular guitar cab. The two are different - and always have been.

    This is so true but few guitarists have previously been aware of it. The flex of the KPA makes you more aware of it.