Kemper Price Increase

  • ... Easily Post Of The Month for me :thumbup:

    Remember me of the "Wlcm_W95" commercial Apple put out some years ago :D

  • The Kemper business model, I'm guessing, is early adopters get rewarded for investing in the company with lower prices and free firmware updates for life, while those who wait for the polished product should expect to pay full price. Seems pretty fair to me :)

  • Actually, if you think about it...the Kemper should cost more than the Axe-FX11, not less.

    Think about it...


    I have thought about it and I disagree. Here's what I mean, I really believe that the raw amp tones are better in the KPA, but that's all, everything else is in Fractal's favor, the Axe is mature, all of the advertised features are included, there is editing software and a dedicated foot controller. I owned an Axe II before I got the KPA, and I really do prefer the KPA but I think that we need to be realistic here, the KPA is still new, it does not include all of the advertised features, there is no editor and no dedicated foot controller, and the Axe II really does have better effects and routing capabilities. I'm not trying to disrespect Kemper, but if you look at this realistically, how does the KPA compare to the Axe when it was first released, IMHO there is no comparison the KPA blows the original Axe out of the water. But, you can't discount all of the developments that have taken place in the Axe over so many years. So no, IMHO the KPA is NOT worth more than the Axe II, I suspect that Kemper will finish implementing all of the advertised features and release an editor and dedicated foot controller in the near future, but until then, I will consider the KPA a new product, not a mature product which should cost as much or more than the Axe II.

  • Truth is, both are probably under-priced compared to cobbling together alternatives of similar quality to the same extent in just effects.

    The FXII is amazing at effects. Pretty much no one with experience with both will dispute that.

    The KPA is amazing with Amp Tones, especially their individual nuances. Few dispute that.

    The KPA has quality effects that blow most all their competition away. Plus novel effects seen nowhere else as gravy.

    But just for their effects, both units can substantiate their costs. Add modeled/profiled amps, they are very decently priced. Add a 600w amp, and the Kemper is a steal.

  • So how much exactly are you willing to pay? I'm sure they are willing to raise the price to accommodate you :)

  • Who earns the money?


    or in the EU
    FA - G66

    Kemper - wholesaler - shop

    So even in case both boxes cost the same for the customer and maker - FA makes a lot more money per box.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with

    Great Profiles -->

  • I have thought about it and I disagree. Here's what I mean, I really believe that the raw amp tones are better in the KPA, but that's all, everything else is in Fractal's favor, the Axe is mature, all of the advertised features are included, there is editing software and a dedicated foot controller. I owned an Axe II before I got the KPA, and I really do prefer the KPA but I think that we need to be realistic here, the KPA is still new, it does not include all of the advertised features, there is no editor and no dedicated foot controller, and the Axe II really does have better effects and routing capabilities. I'm not trying to disrespect Kemper, but if you look at this realistically, how does the KPA compare to the Axe when it was first released, IMHO there is no comparison the KPA blows the original Axe out of the water. But, you can't discount all of the developments that have taken place in the Axe over so many years. So no, IMHO the KPA is NOT worth more than the Axe II, I suspect that Kemper will finish implementing all of the advertised features and release an editor and dedicated foot controller in the near future, but until then, I will consider the KPA a new product, not a mature product which should cost as much or more than the Axe II.

    The Kemper was 'mature' the day it was released, it was born with the best digital guitar tone algorithm ever programmed that didn't need one single update to improve the tone.

    Spend 5 minutes tweaking a few factory Profiles, take it to a gig, plug the current Poweramp version into a cabinet, and it sounds as good as and in some cases better than a live tube amp rig.
    The Axe-FX is still immature, it can't do that even after 8 years of development because it doesn't have a built in poweramp.

    More features, more routing options, more FX, this is stuff that is used more in internet forum discussions than in actual gigging or recording reality.
    Take the pedalboards we've all been using in front of our tube amps for years, how many pedals do we have on them?
    It would take 10 pedalboards to fit all the current Kemper FX on, so what new FX do we possibly need?
    How many Kemper owners use even 50% of the current FX, how many Pitch FX and Harmoniser demos do you see in the clips section?.
    Most of my professional musician clients are still using firmware from over a year ago...I have to tell them about all the new FX additions and updates.
    They've been happily gigging and recording with their Kempers for 2 years, they've never needed any updates and they don't participate on internet guitar forum discussions...this is reality.

    Sorry, Tim, I'll have to stick with my original statement. :)

  • Right on, we disagree, no big deal :)

  • Granted that I'd never give my money to Fractal and Mr. Chase, I'm not sure about this either, Lance.

    Eng. Kemper has actually changed the original algorithm, for fixing the aliasing issue. Nothing serious, I know, and nothing to compare with the Axe-Fx's updates which change the core sound every time.
    As for fx, as a matter of fact you can't run all the Profiler's fx at the same time, and in more than a few occasions, some users have pointed out that if you use compressor, NG, distortion and wah you'ren't left with much room for being creative. I'd also point out the lack of pretty basic abilities, like the possibility to run a delay pre-stack, to run two delays in parallel, to freely set the delay in ms. Pros don't usually complain about these aspects because they have roadies,money, and rack if they need them.

    TBH, I find the argument that the Axe is not comparable to the KPA because it needs an external poweramp a bit inconsistent. The two units are preamps, a power module is certainly a plus but its lack shouldn't be consider a fault IMO.

    Last but not least, I definitely feel you when you talk about professionals and their use of the Profiler. But I find strange that you never think of the more common players, which make for a big share of the overall market for both units. I hope - for Kemper's sake - than the market doesn't start thinking that the Profiler is a machine aimed at professionals only! For this to (not) happen, Kemper will have to deal with complaints, weird requests and expectations, and the usual ground noise :)
    Many, many users play in cover bands or have the need for a machine which coves a vast amount of needs, exactly because they're not pros.
