kemper use max 3 GB of a USB stick memory FAQ

  • I often see threads and posts here and on other forums about what USB stick memory size is needed for the kemper profiles.
    Like this recent thread on thegearpage
    I haven't found any info about USB size in the kemper manual (sorry if I missed it) so it might be a good idea to include this information in some places to reduce further threads and questions about this. (yes some will never read manuals anyway so questions will still come ^^ )

    So if I remeber correct, the Kemper can use max 3 GB of a USB stick.
    Any larger USB stick memory size (like 4,8,64 GB) will be formatted down to 3 GB.
    Any smaller USB stick memory size than 3 GB will remain unchanged after being formatted. (1 GB will be 1 GB)

    And some though info about USB stick memory size needs for profiles.
    (a single profile is only 4 kB. I hope I get the numbers right here)

    USB memory stick size and nr of profiles it can hold:
    2 MB = 512 profiles.
    200 MB = 51200 profiles.
    2 GB = 512000 profiles.

    So the majority of small sized usb stick will be more than enough for kemper profiles, and users can save some money too by not buying larger and more expensive usb sticks.

    Edited 2 times, last by orko ().

  • Yes I only used the 2 MB size as an example to compare how many profiles it can hold.
    Pretty much any lower sized USB stick available today will be more than enough for any profile needs.
    Users don't need to spend more money on big 4,8,12 GB sticks. However I would go for well known brands that have a good reputation when buying a USB stick.

    Edited 2 times, last by orko ().