Bring On The Commercial Profile Access To Rig Manager

  • Just thinking out loud........I'd love to see commercial profile access added to Rig Manager, in the future.

    Folders from some of the companies making commercial profiles like TAF, Soundside, and others showing up right in Rig manager alongside of the Rig Exchange folder.

    Rig exchange is already up and running, so maybe it could also be used to securely host profiles from the commercial makers which would then be available for purchase and or subscription basis and possibly demo right in Rig manager, as soon as they become available.

    Just a thought........

  • If you have purchased them, you can put them in your personal Rig Manager now.

    A "Demo Mode" would require some kind of Copy Protection that would prevent someone from saving an auditioned rig that has not been purchased.

    That may be a feature that is not currently included in concept for the evolution of the Kemper - I would much rather Kemper dedicate their limited resources to new features, instead of copy protection. We have some exotic (for guitarists) effects, already. I'd love to have more, and find musical uses for them :)

    Note: This thought is offered as no offence to the Commercial Rig Providers - I've got NO problem with them. Who knows.... I may eventually be tempted offer some unusual Rigs to the community, too.

  • Yes. I understand that you can put rigs in rig manager now. If you own every commercial rig already, then being able to purchase them directly in RM probably wouldn't help you. My guess is that many people don't already own the myriad of commercial profiles available.

    Many companies have already gone to a similar format in their products. Line 6, Amplitube, Eventide, and others already allow you to purchase addons, presets and such directly in their applications.

    I'm not sure what it would take to incorporate a demo mode, or even if it's possible, but I don't think it's out side the realm of possibilites. Even an audio demo inside RM would be great in my opinion.

    No worries, I'm sure the nice folks at Kemper aren't scrambling to include this in the next version of RM, it's just submitted for discussion.

  • yes it would be great to be able to preview the commercial rigs being offered,but i think it would be bad news for the companies involved because sometimes there are only a few usable profiles(ie which fit in with what you are looking for,not casting aspersions on the quality of the profiles) in a whole pack and people would realise this and not buy. i think the ideal setup would be to be able to choose say a minimum of 10 profiles from a pack and just pay for the ones you want,kinda pick and mix . dont think the companies would be up for that though,too big a financial hit.

  • That would very likely force Kemper involvement in distribution of commercial profiles. Not a good thing IMO. Inevitably it would lead to copyrights, copy protections, cease and desist letters, licences and other bullshit. I don't want Kemper App Store/Itunes, leave this stuff to hipster companies, seriously.

  • That would very likely force Kemper involvement in distribution of commercial profiles. Not a good thing IMO. Inevitably it would lead to copyrights, copy protections, cease and desist letters, licences and other bullshit. I don't want Kemper App Store/Itunes, leave this stuff to hipster companies, seriously.

    Big +1 on this. I think the situation with the commercial rigs is great as it is right now. Just putting everything possible into the RM will lead to some unnecessary problems and hassle.

  • I'm not seeing how any of this would apply. Maybe I wasn't quite clear.

    Kemper wouldn't be selling the profiles, the makers of the profiles would.

    What I'm thinking is that commercial profile makers could be given their own folder which appears in RM just like the Rig Exchange folder. The profile makers would populate the folders with their profiles, not Kemper. Those folders and profiles could then be made available to KPA users either for purchase or on a subscription basis, where only those who subscribed with the profile maker had access. This could be part of or totally separate from the profile makers offerings on their own website.

    I'm afraid those dreaded hipsters are here to stay........... Matter a fact, if you're using a KPA, consider yourself among them.... :thumbup:

    Another +1 here.

  • I got that. The thing is that kemper would have to implement a system that allows a password protected entrance to those folders etc. etc. I understand that it seems like a nice Idea but there would be a ton of stuff that follows that would (and I´m about 99,99999% sure on this) lead to more problems. What I can see is maybe a nother piece of software which would be designed by a third party developer that allows such a thing and is simply there for exactly this purpose. But implementing such a feature and all the necessary other things into the RM seems like a bad Idea.

  • OK let me explain how Tescos work.
    They just have a big shop with shelves which companies who make things populate with products they make. It's not Tescos who make the things, they just put them on the shelves. Then people can come in and purchase things.
    It's called distribution.