Answering some questions..

  • I have been emailed/PM'd for quite some time now to the topic of Mics & Mic Pre's.

    So to answer them all at one place here is the better way.

    The question is:-

    Why do you use different Mics and Mic Pre's on different amps?

    Answer: There is no easy way to explain apart from playing and sound perspective. - The Amps character, the style of the amp all plays a part in the setup used. - for example, the Neve is a slightly compressed sounding mic pre, if an amp is overly dynamic then this is the first choice. - if its flat in its compression, then either the Greatriver or API's are perfect, or simply sometimes because one sounds better than the other.

    Some mics work better with different mic pre's too. - Like the Royer 121, does not work well with the GreatRiver, but flawless with the 1073, pair a 57 with a API mic pre and you will get dull results. but an audix and its a win. - of course this still depends on the source.. no-one knows before hand, but I play the amp for a few days first to get used to the feel of the sound and where to begin. - then I mic up a pattern, using X Y or Z pre. paired with X, Y and z mic.. back and forth, switching between them until I get a decent pairing.

    It always does depend on what im going for too. sometimes if I want a more in the face, then I blend the direct dynamic mic more into the mix, or a gentle mix I raise the rear or ribbon for example. generally speaking, Rock tones are more in the face, whilst more relaxing tones sound weird miced this way..

    Bottom line, there is no template to work from. I use what I use because Ive tested the alternatives extensively, lots of A/Bing. - sure I admit some are hit and miss, but generally there has to be a standard, and I work hard at that to bring you as close to the miced amp as I can at many different settings, to the best of my ability.

    I hope that this has been informative to you, if not then I will go into more detail where needed.

    (Actually soon, Ive got a film student that is doing a documentary on me, it will cover all I said above, from lugging the amp to studio to the full available profile, and then how to incorporate that into the mix)
