GT 10 only switches effect on via midi not off again.

  • Hi folks I am controlling my Kemper from my GT10 which is great for changing patches and volume swells etc. I want to be able to assign a footswitch to turn on and off various effects like tube screamer etc. It only switches on but then stays on i.e. press footswitch again no change. Has anyone worked out how to do this. If not is there a separate midi pedal which you can recommend which will switch effect on and off. Have tried putting a number of real boosts and tube screamers in front but they all compress and don't add volume.

  • I have different controler (FCB-1010) but I can tell you what the problem is.
    For switching pedals controller should sent CC (Control Change) midi messages. They can have different numbers like CC#24 or CC#27. It defines what pedal you're controlling on Kemper. Beside the number it also sends a value from 0-127. So if you send 0 (zero) Kemper switches pedal OFF and if you send 1-127 - switches ON.
    Advanced controllers can send 0 on one press and 1-127 on the next press. Usually it is configurable. Check your GT10 settings.

    Hope it's helpful.