Limiting Min/Max Values for parameters, when using a Pedal to control them...

  • Ahoi there...

    Alright, I'll try to keep this short and precise.

    The other day I set up my Zoomg 9.2tt to control my KPA via it.
    Works like a charm, as far as rig changing and toggling on and
    off FX with it goes, except for some things I haven't found info
    about neither in the G9 not the KPA manual.

    Okay, here comes the main question.

    Is it possible to adjust the min/max values of certain parameters, when
    they are being controlled via MidiCC-Messages? For example the amp
    gain setting? By default, I'll have the amp at minimum drive at the min
    pedal position, and the drive to the max at maximum pedal input, when
    I use an expression pedal to control it.

    But what if I'd like to have the gain at lets say 45% when the pedal is
    fully up and at 70% when the pedal is fully depressed?

    Same goes for things like Volume Pedal settings, Delay Mix, Reverb, etc...
    I'd simply want to be able to make 'em work only in defined ranges,
    instead of having the pedal control ALL the way inbetween their
    minimum/maximum capabilities.

    In both my old Zoom G9 and my Line6 Vetta I can set the range in within
    the full pedal way is active within the units themselves. In the KPA, I still
    have to find these options yet.

    No idea how these handle the stuff internally, or if it's even Midi that contols
    stuff like that. Could be another brand specific protocol.

    To cut a long story short...(and yes, i KNOW I'll have to look deeper into Midi
    some time soon 8) )
    How the heck do I tell the KPA that for example MidiCC Value 0 equals amp
    gain 50% and NOT 0%? I'd really like to be able to use the full pedal way
    without going over of under pre-defined limits.

    Any help on this topic would be greatly appreciated.
    Thx in advance.

  • The KPA will respond to the normal range of 0 to 127 or 1 to 128. That goes for gain, delay mix, etc.

    It's really more of a function of the controller to then set the min and max ranges of the pedal and the CC messages it sends. As far as I know, there's no way to limit or threshold on the KPA side.


  • Thx for the input, Sean...

    Alright, this indeed will render any simple expression pedals and/or midi-controllers NOT capable of limiting HIGH and LOW
    values internally pretty much useless for me then. I've been integrating features like those into my sounds for far too long now,
    it's become second nature. Time to look out for a controller capable of handling this on its own then, I guess...

    @ CK (or anyone else in the development team)
    Any chance of seeing something like this implanted on the KPA side any time soon?
    Well, maybe I should post this in the feature request section...

    Anyway, thx for re-assuring me I wasn't overlooking something, Sean.
    Seems that I'll have to live with "full bandwidth" for now, concerning CC


  • I use the gain pedal on some clean profiles but I also use a pure booster with pedal option in slot D on some mid gain profiles as well. Having the booster before the preamp will add more gain, I will at times also add a second pure booster in Slot X and limit the pedal range of that one just to keep the volumes consistent. Seems some profiles get louder while others don't, haven't dove in to figure out why, I have the extra slot so I took the Rube Goldberg approach. The whole thing works pretty much the same as rolling in the gain with a clean profile but it is a bit of a different animal and works better with some amps than others. The type of gain you are getting is usually much smoother sounding than the original amps gain knob, hope this works for you for now.