NAMM 2015 Video: Kemper Booth

  • I think you're confusing slots with switches. Slots in that instance are performance slots, of which there are 5 per Performance, and therefore 5 dedicated switches on the Remote. However, there are 4 FX switches on the Remote that can be assigned to any of the 8 FX slots on the KPA, up to four per switch. Each Performance slot can have it's own combination of FX assignments for the 4 FX switches, so in the above instance, Performance slot 1 has a switch that's assigned to FX A On *or* B On, whereas Performance slot 2 has a switch that's assigned to A and B On *or* A and B Off...

    Edit : this reply is for @Hurricane!


  • Think of each Performance Slot as a Rig:

    A Rig/Performance Slot can have up to eight FX in it.
    A Rig/Performance slot can have it's own configuration for the Four Switches.

    For example:
    "My Performance"
    Slot 1
    Switch A - Boost On/Off
    Switch B - Chorus On/Off
    Switch C - Delay On/Off
    Switch D - Reverb On/Off

    Slot 2
    Switch A - Leslie On/Off
    Switch B - Leslie Fast/Slow
    Switch C - Pitch and Chorus and Delay On/Off
    Switch D - EQ setting A *or* EQ setting B

    wait... so say, you have a rig with a wah, a bosster, a chorus and a tremolo. they way i understood it is like,
    you can assign any combination of these boxes to any switch in any combination of on/off-states.
    or am i totally off here?

    Yes, as long as you don't try to assign any one of these FX to two different switches in the same rig.

    And, yes, you can program it to have your choice of them in an on or off state when the rig is accessed.

  • Then it will happen, when Switch II turns off all effects, Switch I is pressed again (turns one of the effects on again)
    and then press Switch II (to switch off again) ===> Nothing will happen (The effect will be apparent) ?(
    Seems to become a bit complicated for me ;( (look at my picture, I'm really busy when playin`)

    The above Example is two Different Performance Slots, not two different FX switches in ONE slot:

    -Performance NAME
    -Slot One - Slot Two - Slot Three - Slot Four - Slot Five

    Maybe I'm catching on to something, maybe not.
    Manual Quote:

    Per rig? Up to five rigs stored per performance correct? Sorry for the misunderstanding on my part.

    No problem guys - it IS confusing :)

    Four assignable FX switches for each Rig or for each Slot in a Performance.

  • wait... so say, you have a rig with a wah, a bosster, a chorus and a tremolo. they way i understood it is like,
    you can assign any combination of these boxes to any switch in any combination of on/off-states.
    or am i totally off here?

    So long as each of those FX is in a different slot, you should be able to do that. What I was saying is if wah is in slot 1, you cannot have the booster in slot 1 as well in a single rig.

    Maybe I'm catching on to something, maybe not.
    Manual Quote:

    Per rig? Up to five rigs stored per performance correct? Sorry for the misunderstanding on my part.

    You're correct. Five rigs in one performance. Each rig can have any choice of FX, limited to eight including delay and reverb. That's four pre-amplifier and two (minus delay and reverb) post-amp.

    EDIT: Pault's example completely confuses me. When he says Slot 1, I'm assuming Stomp A. But that can't be right. Multiple FX in a single stomp slot? That would be way cool.

  • What paul is saying is you can assign the 4 stomps and the 4 effects after the amp section to one button on the remote so for example you press one button on the remote and it could be assigned to turn all 4 stomps on while turning the 4 effects after the amp section off at the same time

  • EDIT: Pault's example completely confuses me. When he says Slot 1, I'm assuming Stomp A. But that can't be right. Multiple FX in a single stomp slot? That would be way cool.

    One FX per KPA FX location -
    There are Eight total FX = A B C D X MOD DEL REV (One effect can be assigned to each FX)
    Up to Four INDIVIDUAL FX can be assigned to a Switch (I, II, III, IIII)

    What paul is saying is you can assign the 4 stomps and the 4 effects after the amp section to one button on the remote so for example you press one button on the remote and it could be assigned to turn all 4 stomps on while turning the 4 effects after the amp section off at the same time

    No - That example would be switching EIGHT KPA FX with one switch. The maximum per switch would be Four of them,

  • One FX per KPA FX location -
    There are Eight total FX = A B C D X MOD DEL REV (One effect can be assigned to each FX)
    Up to Four INDIVIDUAL FX can be assigned to a Switch (I, II, III, IIII)

    No - That example would be switching EIGHT KPA FX with one switch. The maximum per switch would be Four of them,

    Yep my bad I ment 4 effects with one switch, I just wanted to get across the fact that 1 switch can turn multiple
    effects on and off at the same time

  • I appreciate everyone's input but what we need is a shipment to arrive for our early birds. This way the rest of us could get some real feedback from firsthand users. :thumbup: Sorry for my contributions to off topic threads too.

  • I appreciate everyone's input but what we need is a shipment to arrive for our early birds. This way the rest of us could get some real feedback from firsthand users. :thumbup: Sorry for my contributions to off topic threads too.

    There's no need to wait for feedback from firsthand users to get details on how it is going to work. The Remote Quick StartGuide describes how the I-IIII switches can be configured. And, the Profiler Basics manual explains Performance Mode works

  • This is different - I think people DID read the Remote documentation when it first appeared, and if someone is actively using Performance Mode, they would have already read that information, too.

    But, it has been awhile since that documentation became available, so, revisiting it is a great way to be ready to dive in when the box appears at your doorstep :)

  • I was just making a funny about wanting it out and in you guy's hands so we can really get the scoop (pros/ cons) on the product from our trusted forefathers of this forum.

  • This is different - I think people DID read the Remote documentation when it first appeared, and if someone is actively using Performance Mode, they would have already read that information, too.

    But, it has been awhile since that documentation became available, so, revisiting it is a great way to be ready to dive in when the box appears at your doorstep :)

    ... Absolutely and sarcastically j\k :D

  • One FX per KPA FX location -
    There are Eight total FX = A B C D X MOD DEL REV (One effect can be assigned to each FX)
    Up to Four INDIVIDUAL FX can be assigned to a Switch (I, II, III, IIII)

    As I thought then. It would have been cool if we were able to call up FX as we wished on the KPA by using those stomps. The current restriction of one FX per slot and no changing seems a bit retrograde for a device like the Kemper, but I guess we could always just pull up a separate rig for the same effect.