Clean Sense

  • Hi,

    Trying out new rig manager profiles that I saved to performances after auditioning in the house using headphones. At volume through my DXR10, I found the distorted profiles jump hugely in volume.

    I understand the Kemper is designed to compensate such that cleaner and higher gain profiles are a similar volume.

    So I tried going into the Input section and increasing the Clean Sense and the volume increased as expected......however, when I went to a different (higher gain) rig within the performance and checked the clean sense it had reverted to zero (default). The same happened switching between performances.

    I then changed it again, hit save and I believe it gave me the option to save an input profile. I did so. Changed rigs, went to input, clean sense was on zero again. There appeared to be a single input profile, so I used the browse knob to select that (which was odd as there was only one profile in the list) and then I could see the increased gain on the clean sense.

    I went to another guessed it, back to zero.

    What am I missing, surely there's a simple way to set the global clean sense?

    Next.....Distortion sense.....I've seen a few answers....and suggestions in WikPa not to touch. Would you agree?


  • Because of the wide variety of volume levels in clean profiles. One setting doesn't do it most profiles are set very quiet. If I have one setting, the lord ones will clip.

    Why not do it individually? That makes the most sense to me

    I switch around between three guitars, but mostly use a single coil for my clean/crunchy tones

  • I do that as well. :) I see what you're saying though, I could lock the sensitivity at 5.0 and it would probably be sufficient. Anyway, the original question was pertaining to changing or resetting problem with input sens. and that was a problem for me at one point but is no longer for whatever reason, I assume FW.

  • Thanks guys....rookie locked. I think I read somewhere that clean sense works on profiles with gain at 4/10 or lower? In either case, does the clean sense have some kind of graduated impact on rig volumes according to how clean they are?

  • My Suhr has quite a bit more output than my Strats.
    The rigs that are on that sweet spot edge of breaking up become harsh with the Suhr unless I back off -6 on the clean sense.
    At some point I might have to create separate rigs for each guitar but for now global lock the clean sense and change it when I change guitars.

  • My Suhr has quite a bit more output than my Strats.
    The rigs that are on that sweet spot edge of breaking up become harsh with the Suhr unless I back off -6 on the clean sense.
    At some point I might have to create separate rigs for each guitar but for now global lock the clean sense and change it when I change guitars.

    You can save an Input setting as "STRAT" and another as "SUHR" and simply switch between them as necessary ...

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • One more reason to not lock the input section could be noise gate settings (the one in the input section, not the stomp NG) per rig. A locked input means locked NG settings too!

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • I'd never lock the input sektion! But what i do is to set differnt kind of settings in the output sektion, like the manual discribes ( only for very differnt guitars with diffrent power ). You can name those settings an switch, if you change your guitar. Works perfect.

  • One more reason to not lock the input section could be noise gate settings (the one in the input section, not the stomp NG) per rig. A locked input means locked NG settings too!

    Now I need to go and check my setup - the stock profiles I had would have some kind of noise gates associated. So, if I went onto a clean rig and locked the input there, I'm assuming it would have no noise gate does that mean my high gain patches will have lost their noise gate? If so, if I unlock the input, will it go back to where it was?

    Not sure what to do for the best just go back to the old method of dropping / raising the volume between rigs in a performance and saving...


  • Hi Andy,
    I use a JTV Variax with my KPA. The outputs for the different models do vary, especially the Les Paul ones.
    I keep my input section unlocked and have saved input clean sense settings for each of the models I use. I only did this recently but it has already made a huge difference to the level matching.
    having the Remote forced my hand as my previous foot controller had different send level that compensated.
    The results with the guitar plugged directly into the KPA and with different clean sense settings are far superior.

  • We just had this discussion at question was can the input be saved per "performance"? no with remote and I've switched over to performance mode I want to have maybe 1 be my LP, 2 be my Tele and 3 be my strat....all 3 are very different. I realize I can save input per rig bit saving it in performance to do the above would take a step when switching guitars when you play Hank to need variation....

  • Hi Sixtycycle,
    I saved all my input settings in Browser Mode based on a clean rig. Then I went over to Performance Mode and simply recalled the input settings for that guitar in each performance slot. I did this by pushing the Input button the selecting the setting by twisting the Browse knob. It took a while to do this for every slot but it was definitely worth the effort.
    If there is a quicker way that I've missed, Ingolf or someone else will be sure to chip in.