How to erase some Rigs ??? CS/DS settings for active PUs

  • Hello ...

    1) Did anyone know how to erase some or all rigs??

    2) Did anyone know good CS/DS settings for active PUs (EMGs)? Or a good way to find the right levels?
    I still didn't know how to handle it.

    Firmware 3.1. / no rigmanager, because WIN XP.

  • BTW: XP is no longer safe, i think you know it. If you are connected to www it's very dangerous. Change if you can and then use the Rig Manager. It is an absolut helpfull tool. You can see all your rigs in your kpa, you can see rigs on your kpa stick, if it is connected via usb. You can drag and drop from stick direct to kpa .................and many more

  • On a side not: XP has never been 100% safe, but is safer now than it ever was and there are many ways and reasons to continue using it in a safe way.
    But I don't want to hijack this thread so we can discuss this some other place.

    To the TOs question:
    not many, but marking those you wanna keep as favorites and then

    [SYSTEM] -> page "Rig Management" -> [Erase Non-Favourites] at soft button 2

    is one way to mass delete rigs except a few.

    90% of the game is half-mental.

  • As for CS\DS, set CS so that the input LED never goes steady into red; then leave DS @ 0, or set it otherwise if you feel that the distorted sounds (in the same rig and w\o any distortion effect), for example raising and lowering the guitar's volume) are too loud (or not enough) in comparison to the cleans.
    Save the settings as a preset if you have more than one guitar.

    I'd advise you to read the manuals, and also Lots of useful things there :)

  • At some real amps there are hi and lo inputs. lo for guitars with higher outputs (mostly active). I've read that the lower input has -6 dB. Could this mean for the KPA too? I've tried that, and it gives much lower compression, but the distortion stayes the same.

    And active guitars makes much more fizz on highgain tones. Some guitarists turn their presence on the poweramp all the way off. With the KPA it sounds very muddy (but the fizz is gone). Is the presence knob in the Main Output EQ the same as at a poweramp???)

  • EMG81 equipped guitar in low B tuning here. (011-070)
    all I do is turn down the Clean Sense to about -6dB (just play a few palm muted and aggressive power chords and watch the INPUT LED)

    The EQ controls on the Profiler are much more powerful than on an amp, so generic 'advice' like 'turn the presence all the way off' won't work.
    I also doubt it would work/make sense on an amp, tbh. ;)

    Shape your tone with the STACK EQ, and/or use a Metal EQ in the X slot.
    Turning down the Definition parameter (AMPLIFIER section, page 1) also mellows the tone in a very musical way, as can adding some Clarity (AMPLIFIER section, page 2)

  • What kind of profile do you use?

    I have a fender stratocaster with HSS/Humbucker EMG85. The singelcoils I want to change next time in SA/SA.

    The profiles I use: kind of Soldano/Bogner.

    More the 80s/90s sound.