Profiling your profiler?!?

  • Hello again, after the first trial the Studio profiles I've done of my second kemper sound very good so far. Now I want make Merged Profiles out of it. I think so need some more pro infos maybe.
    So that's my actual setup of the experiment

    Kemper 1 Profiler Mode -Direct Out to Front Input Kemper 2 - (Stack: Original
    DI Amp + Merged Cab) - L Mono Main Out - Avid HD I/O/PT Ozone 6 - Kemper 1 Return Input.

    So If I want to Merge the new Cab
    part with Ozone EQ altering in it now
    , doing a Merged Profile. What would be the correct way there

    pick Original DI Amp profile (same as in Kpa 2) and copy/
    paste the Cab of the new Kpa 2)Studio profile in, then hit Merge Button

    Profiling a new DI Amp Profile with the Kemper 2 (Amp only, monitoring Out). Then make it a Merged Profile with the new Studio profile Cab pasted in and Merge Button.

    Just copy/paste the Cab of the new Kpa2 Studio profile in the Original DI Amp Profile (Don't hitting Merge Button, because the Original Amp DI profile
    was already Merged) It 's the same amp profile like in KpA 2.

    I hope someone can answer me this,
    I assume way 2. and 3. would be

  • I'd always follow the logic of making a studio profile and then profiling the exact same setup/settings but direct from the amp regardless of the seemingly more complex setup you have.
    This way all changes you might have made to the amp's profile should be captured.
    Even if you didn't make changes - I found it very good practise to keep the methods 'clean', no taking short cuts, which will create bad habits eventually.

    Don't take this the wrong way, but if you have to ask even basic things (noise gates) maybe you shouldn't be attempting what you are doing until after you have gotten accustomed to basic profiling. ;)

  • Thx for answer , man I just mentioned the Noise Gates, that you know that I doing this one like in the Manual written. Only thing Im not sure about is the Merging Process in detail.. Yes, Im pretty new to the kemper still, thats why asking again. To think logic I would assume making a new DI Amp Profile for this would be more accurate if the Kemper expect the to have the same S/N ratio and alterings in tone by the second Kemper( not the Original DI amp) when it comes to Merge the new studio profile. Like you said right?

  • After 6 hours testing, creating and comparisons I came to the result that in my case "Profile the Profiler" creating a new Cab with Plugins, and Tonematch the way to go was paste the new studio profiles Cab into the Original DI Amp Profile and don't use the Merge Button. All other
    ways had altered the Original Amp too
    much to my ears and lack of Lowend.

  • To me yes, it worth it, for Tone matching only I think it's easier, (cheaper) maybe to watch the frequency response in Ozone and pick a Cab which comes very close and use the Kpa EQ for fine Tuning. But to create some kind of new cab it rocks for me without using a real cab with amp, alone add some Phoenix II sweetness to my profile is awesome this way.

    Thx for your advices mister.

  • I have to make a new statement to the Profiling a Kemper, It's amazing, Sadly I'd done a mistake by profiling, after doing it Right today, Both my DI Amp Profile, Studio and Merged sounding dead on like in the other Kamper! This time I've done the test through my Interface and DAW as well but without
    Plugins to see how close I come, and it
    Rocks.It's only possible to see little amounts of differences in the Frequency Response in Ozone when comparing Profiles afterwards.

    In the end I would say the Kemper works very accurate,
    even by profiling a profiler!!

  • If you need even more accurate comparison, you can use this great tool: DiffMaker.htm

    Thx, i think its for Windows only.
    Here's a screenshot of Ozone, Blue is the Original Kemper Profile, Yellow the new Merged Profile of the second Kemper.

    [Blocked Image:]